1 . You may:

Have more than one license if one is for business purposes.
Have more than one license if they are issued by different states.
Not have more than one license.

2 . Being convicted of two serious traffic violations within a three-year period will result in:

The loss of your CDL for one week.
The loss of your CDL for 60 days.
The loss of your CDL for five years.

3 . To stay alert while driving, you should:

Eat a heavy meal before beginning your trip.
Keep the cab warm.
Ride with a second person who can share driving responsibilities.

4 . If a speed limit is posted, the posted speed:

Should never be exceeded.
May be exceeded if passing another vehicle.
May be exceeded if driving in a rural area.

5 . When turning, when should the turn signal be canceled?

Before entering the turn
During the turn
After the turn is completed

6 . When leaving your vehicle unattended:

The parking brake should be used.
The parking brake only needs to be used if the vehicle is parked on a slope.
The parking brake should not be used, as it can damage the tires.

7 . When drivers turn, they usually:

Look in the direction of the turn.
Look in the direction opposite the turn.
Look behind their vehicles.

8 . If an emergency vehicle is stopped on the side of a two-lane, two-way road, approaching drivers must:

Move to the left half of the lane.
Travel at a speed that is at least 20 mph below the posted speed limit.
Drive on the grass.

9 . When traveling long distances, you should:

Take rest breaks.
Drive as fast as possible.
Drive through the night.

10 . If confronted by an aggressive driver, you should:

Make eye contact to better communicate with them.
Ignore their gestures.
Not move out of their path of travel.

11 . A driver must have a CDL if operating a vehicle that is designed to carry a driver and how many passengers?


12 . An alcohol evaporator in an air brake system:

Makes the brakes work without squeaking.
Prevents ice from forming in the braking system.
Lubricates parts of the braking system.

13 . If the safety relief valve in an air brake system is releasing air:

You should not be concerned as this is a normal process.
There is something wrong with the brakes.
The valve is operational.

14 . Before attempting to put out an engine fire:

The hood should be opened.
The engine should be turned off.
The accelerator should be depressed to use up the remaining fuel.

15 . After starting the engine, the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) light stays on if:

The ABS is working properly.
The ABS is not working properly.
The ABS is not engaged.

16 . If your license to operate a personal vehicle is revoked or suspended:

You can get a hardship license to operate a CMV.
You cannot get a hardship license to operate a CMV.
Your CDL will not be affected.

17 . If your brakes fail while you are traveling downhill and there is no available escape ramp, you should:

Keep pumping the brakes.
Turn the vehicle off.
Drive into an open field.

18 . A vehicle that is smaller than your vehicle:

Will usually be able to stop faster than your vehicle.
Will usually take more time to stop than your vehicle.
Will take about the same amount of time to stop as your vehicle.

19 . By beginning a left turn before reaching the center of an intersection, you:

Will likely complete the turn satisfactorily.
May hit other vehicles with the left side of your vehicle.
Can expect other drivers to move their vehicles to accommodate your turn.

20 . If a vehicle gets stuck on a railroad track, the driver should:

Stay in the vehicle and try to restart the vehicle.
Get out of the vehicle and walk away from the tracks.
Try to flag down another vehicle to give them a push.
Wait in the vehicle for a law enforcement officer to arrive.

21 . Blocking is used to:

Keep cargo in a large box.
Prevent cargo from sliding in a trailer.
Prevent cargo from falling out of a trailer.

22 . When driving, you:

Cannot hold a mobile phone.
May hold a mobile phone to make a call.
May hold a mobile phone to read a text message.

23 . Hanging meat as cargo is usually:

Very stable.
Easy to handle.

24 . One way to prevent drowsiness while driving is to:

Drive alone.
Avoid regular exercise.
Get adequate sleep the night before the trip.

25 . One way to avoid becoming an aggressive driver is to:

Talk on your cell phone while driving.
Question others' driving abilities.
Set realistic expectations regarding travel time.

26 . Watching the road ahead of you:

Allows you time to make a plan to avoid an upcoming hazard.
Is not encouraged as it distracts you from driving.
Is only important when traveling in congested traffic.
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27 . Alcohol begins to affect the body:

After only one drink.
After several drinks have been consumed.
At the legal limit.

28 . Wheels with welding repairs are:

Safe to be used if the repairs were done by a professional.
Safe to be used if the repair seems solid.
Not safe to be used.

29 . A second conviction of operating a CMV with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04 percent will result in:

The loss of your CDL for life.
The loss of your CDL for five years.
The loss of your CDL for one year.

30 . When loading cargo, weight should be placed:

As high as possible.
As low as possible.
As far back as possible.

31 . Compared to talking on a cell phone while driving, texting while driving is:

Much safer.
Just as safe.
More dangerous.

32 . When encountering a railroad crossing during the driving test, you should:

Pass another vehicle on the tracks if the other vehicle is moving too slowly.
Change lanes while on the tracks.
Not change gears while on the tracks.

33 . If driving through flowing water or a large puddle, you should:

Increase your speed.
Gently apply the brakes.
Try to stop in the water.

34 . During the driving test, the examiner will be scoring you on:

How well-spoken you are.
How quickly you arrive to your destination.
General driving behavior.

35 . The more alcohol in the body:

The quicker the liver will digest the alcohol.
The less effect the alcohol will have on the individual.
The longer it will take to remove the alcohol from the body.

36 . When inspecting your vehicle, you should check for all of the following, except:

Too much air pressure in your tires.
Too little air pressure in your tires.
A consistent name brand across all of your tires.

37 . Unsafely reaching for a phone is:

Acceptable if you are driving without a passenger.
Acceptable if you plan to use a hands-free feature.
Unacceptable even if you plan to use a hands-free feature.

38 . When driving a vehicle equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), you should:

Always pump the brakes several times before holding down the brake pedal.
Brake normally.
Press down the brake pedal as hard as possible every time you slow or stop.

39 . If you commit an offense that results in the loss of your basic driving privileges:

You can still keep your CDL.
Your CDL will be revoked.
Whether or not you keep your CDL will be up to a judge.

40 . When transporting a load, the cargo should be inspected:

Only at the beginning of a drive.
Only after driving a long distance.
After every break.

41 . If coolant has to be added to a system without a recovery tank, you should:

Keep the vehicle running while adding coolant.
Open the radiator cap quickly.
Not use gloves to touch the radiator cap.
Wait for the engine to cool before adding coolant.

42 . Which of the following is not a warning sign of fatigue?

Difficulty focusing
Staying within your lane
Rubbing your eyes

43 . If there is a fire in your vehicle and you are not sure how to extinguish it, you should:

Use a fire extinguisher.
Try douse the flames with water.
Move away from the flames and wait for the firefighters.

44 . You will often have to drive your vehicle under bridges and overpasses. If approaching such an opening, you should:

Assume the posted clearance height is accurate.
Assume the posted clearance height is inaccurate.
Measure the height of the opening before proceeding.

45 . Applicants wishing to obtain a CDL for intrastate transportation must be at least:

15 years old.
18 years old.
21 years old.

46 . One way to prevent hydroplaning on wet road surfaces is to:

Ensure that your tires have good tread depth.
Under-inflate your tires.
Drive faster than usual.

47 . What is the best way to stop if your brakes fail while you are driving downhill?

Steer onto an escape ramp.
Let the vehicle slow down on its own.
Let rumble strips slow your vehicle.

48 . If there is a cargo fire in a box trailer:

The trailer doors should be opened.
The trailer doors should not be opened.
A large, heavy blanket should be put over the trailer.

49 . A Class 1 hazardous material is:

An explosive.

50 . If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash on the road ahead, you should:

Stop and confront the driver.
Stop a safe distance from the crash scene, wait for police to arrive, and tell them of the driver's behavior.
Block the driver in with your vehicle.