1 . Rollovers happen when drivers:

Turn too quickly.
Do not driving fast enough.
Pay attention to the road.
Drive illegally.

2 . Look for matching colors when coupling glad hands. Service lines are often:


3 . Pull out the trailer air supply control to test:

The parking brake.
The trailer emergency brakes.
The trailer service brakes.
The landing gear.

4 . Large combination vehicles take the longest amount of time to stop:

When fully loaded.
When partially loaded.
When empty.
When mostly loaded.

5 . The trailer hand valve:

Should always be used for parking.
Should only be used for parking on a downhill.
Should never be used for parking.
Should only be used when transporting cargo.

6 . A lightly-loaded combination vehicle will stop more slowly than a fully-loaded vehicle because:

The stiff suspension springs and strong brakes will have high traction.
The stiff suspension springs and strong brakes will have low traction.
The brakes only operate when a trailer reaches a minimum weight.
The suspension springs only operate when a trailer reaches a minimum weight.

7 . The best way to recognize that your trailer has begun to skid is by:

Seeing other drivers' faces.
Seeing it in your mirrors.
Feeling it.
Listening to the radio.

8 . The emergency air line:

Is controlled by the foot brake.
Is connected to the relay valves.
Supplies air to the trailer air tanks.
Prevents skids.

9 . What happens when the wheels of a trailer lock up?

The trailer will usually continue to move in a straight line.
The trailer will disengage.
The trailer will likely swing around.
The trailer will stop.

10 . Starting in which year were newly manufactured trailers required to have ABS?


11 . A tractor protection valve is:

A device that keeps air in the tractor or truck brake system, should the trailer break away or develop a bad leak.
A device that prevents theft.
A device that controls fuel levels.
A device that allows the battery to recharge efficiently.
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12 . What is a tractor protection valve?

A valve to keep air in the brake system should there be a bad leak
A valve that prevents the truck from being stolen
A valve that prevents the driver from going too fast
A valve that prevents the trailer from accidentally being released

13 . Rollovers are most likely to happen when:

Drivers turn too fast.
Driver turn too slowly.
It is windy.
It is raining.

14 . Air pressure in the ____ air line is controlled by either the foot brake or trailer hand brake.


15 . If oil and water build up in your vehicle's air tanks, the brakes:

May not work correctly.
May feel squishy.
Will squeal loudly when used.
Will be extremely sensitive.

16 . Which type of vehicle is most prone to the “crack-the-whip” effect?

A five-axle tractor semi-trailer
A three-axle tractor semi-trailer
A bobtail tractor
A triple trailer

17 . The trailer hand valve should:

Be used for parking.
Be used only to test the trailer brakes.
Be used together with the brake pedal.
Be used on slippery surfaces.

18 . What is off-tracking?

When a vehicle’s front wheels follow a different path than its rear wheels
When a vehicle's wheels all follow the exact same path
When a load shifts during a turn
When a vehicle's wheels run over a curb during a turn

19 . Driving a combination vehicle ____ than driving a single vehicle.

Is easier
Requires more driving skill
Is better for training
Is safer in inclement weather

20 . When glad hands are coupled, the seals should be pressed together at an angle of:

30 degrees.
45 degrees.
60 degrees.
90 degrees.