1 . The posted speed limit shows:

Only a recommended driving speed.
The exact speed at which you must travel to avoid a ticket.
The maximum safe driving speed under ideal road and weather conditions.
The maximum safe driving speed under all road conditions.

2 . When driving in bad weather, drivers should:

Increase their speed to reach their final destination more quickly.
Decrease their following distance.
Increase their following distance.
None of the above.

3 . Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions are divided by ____ lines.


4 . Allowing a space cushion between your vehicle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps traffic flowing at a safe pace.
Keeps other drivers alert.

5 . Anything that requires you to ____ could cause you to crash.

Take your eyes off the road
Take your hands off the wheel
Take your attention away from the task of driving
All of the above

6 . This is a ____ sign.

Wrong way
Do not enter

7 . Emergency vehicles:

Have the right-of-way when using sirens, horns, and/or flashing lights.
May use a loudspeaker to give instructions.
May follow each other.
All of the above.

8 . When approaching a steady red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop only if a police officer is nearby.
Come to a complete stop.

9 . What might happen when alcohol is combined with another drug?

The effects of the alcohol and the drug may both be increased.
Nothing will happen.
The effects of the alcohol and the drug may both be reduced.
The effects of only the alcohol may be reduced.

10 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.
Road curve.

11 . This road sign means:

Intersection ahead.
Steep grade ahead.
Winding road.
Merging traffic.

12 . You may not cross a single broken white or yellow line:

When doing so would interfere with traffic.
When turning left into a driveway.
When the car in front of you is disabled.
When passing to the right on a one-way street.

13 . Pentagonal signs indicate:

No passing zones.
School zones.
Speed limits.
Railroad crossings.

14 . This sign means:

Steep downgrade.
Crossroad ahead.
No right turn.
Narrow bridge.

15 . When is it illegal to drive below the speed limit?

When driving slowly disrupts the normal flow of traffic
When in heavy traffic in a construction zone
Only when driving in rural areas.
When driving under adverse weather conditions

16 . You must stop for a school bus:

That is parked on the shoulder of the road with no one in it.
When it approaches you, even if its lights are not flashing.
If you are both driving on a two-lane highway and its red lights are flashing.
Whenever the driver waves at you.

17 . It is best to keep a space cushion:

Only in back of your vehicle.
Only on the left and right sides of your vehicle.
Only in front of the vehicle.
On all sides of the vehicle.

18 . When approaching an uncontrolled intersection, a driver should:

Maintain their speed and proceed.
Stop at the intersection, check in all directions, and proceed.
Yield to all other drivers.
Be prepared to yield.

19 . If you begin to feel tired while driving, the best thing to do is to:

Get some coffee.
Open your window.
Stop driving.
Turn on the radio.

20 . When approaching a railroad crossing warning sign:

Be ready to drive faster than the train.
Be prepared to stop if a train is nearby.
Look for a way around any lowered gates.
Assume no trains are nearby and continue driving normally.

21 . A slow-moving vehicle emblem is:

A rectangular red sign.
A circular green sign.
A diamond-shaped yellow sign.
A triangular orange sign.

22 . This sign is used to prevent:

Entrance to full parking lots.
Entrance to road construction areas.
Entrance to dead-end streets.
Entrances from the wrong direction on one-way streets and expressway ramps.

23 . If you are driving near a motorcycle, you must:

Allow the motorcycle to use a complete lane.
Drive on the shoulder beside the motorcycle.
Allow the motorcycle to use only half of a lane.
Pass using the same lane as the motorcycle.

24 . When turning left, drivers must yield the right-of-way to:

Other drivers who are already in the intersection.
Oncoming traffic.
Pedestrians who are already in the intersection.
All of the above.

25 . Your vehicle's stopping distance increases when stopping:

On a wet or icy road.
On paved highways.
When driving at night.
All of the above.

26 . Worn or bald tires:

Can make turning more difficult.
Are likely to hydroplane.
Can increase your stopping distance.
All of the above.
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27 . Defensive driving is:

Identifying dangerous driving situations and taking action to avoid accidents.
Defending yourself against poor drivers by getting ahead of them in traffic.
Following the vehicle ahead of you at a close distance.
Quickly changing lanes and shifting in and out of traffic congestion.

28 . An intersection has no traffic signs or signals. You arrive at the same time as a vehicle to your right. You should:

Speed up and get through the intersection.
Slow down and yield to the vehicle on your right.
Drive into the intersection and make the other vehicle stop.
Honk your horn and drive through the intersection.

29 . You are driving on the roadway and hear a siren behind you. You should:

Stop where you are.
Pull over to the right and stop.
Speed up to get out of the way.
Slow down.

30 . If you need to stop quickly and your vehicle is not equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), you should:

Hold down the brake pedal.
Firmly pump your brakes.
Lightly tap the brakes.
Release the brake pedal.

31 . You must yield for emergency vehicles:

Under no circumstances.
When you see a flashing red or blue light or hear a siren.
Only when other vehicles yield.
None of the above.

32 . While backing, you should:

Rely only on your mirrors.
Flash your lights.
Open your door to see if it is safe to proceed.
Turn your head and look through the rear window.

33 . When may you proceed through an intersection that has a stop sign but no stop line or crosswalk?

After slowing down to verify that there is no cross traffic
After coming to a complete stop and verifying that it is safe to proceed
After you have stopped at least 20 feet prior to the intersection
After slowing down to a speed of 10 mph

34 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to an open intersection:

The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

35 . You are driving when it starts to sleet or snow. You should:

Keep your windshield and mirrors clear.
Allow additional distance between your vehicle and the vehicles that you are following.
Approach all vehicles with caution.
All of the above.

36 . This sign indicates that:

There is a steep hill ahead.
No trucks are allowed on an upcoming hill.
A logging road is ahead.
There are trucks on an upcoming hill.

37 . This sign means:

Watch for trucks.
Do not pass trucks.
Truck parking area ahead.
Steep downgrade ahead.

38 . This road sign means:

Increase your speed.
Railroad crossing ahead.
Intersection ahead.
Four-way stop ahead.

39 . To ensure that your physical condition does not cause you to drive in an unsafe manner, you should:

Keep physically fit and have regular physical examinations.
Know the effect of any medicine on your driving ability.
Drive within your physical limitations.
All of the above.

40 . A driver can legally pass on the right side of another vehicle:

If the vehicle is waiting to turn left and there is an available passing lane.
Even if it means driving off the pavement.
On a narrow bridge.
At any time.

41 . If a driver sees an animal on the roadway:

No special action is required.
The driver should honk their horn.
The driver should pass the animal as closely as possible.
The driver should be very cautious.

42 . You may pass another vehicle if the line dividing your lane from the lane you wish to enter is a ____ line.

Broken white
Double solid yellow
Solid yellow
Solid white

43 . If towing something behind your vehicle, the drawbar or towing connection:

Must exceed 15 feet in length.
Must be strong enough to pull all the towed weight.
May not have any flags or reflectors attached to it.
Must be marked with a yellow flag.

44 . You are approaching a railroad crossing that has no visible gates or flashing lights, but has a standard crossbuck. You should:

Approach all tracks with extreme caution and cross only when you know that there is no train coming.
Turn your radio down to hear if there may be an approaching train.
Only continue once cleared to do so by a flagger, if applicable.
All of the above.

45 . A driver entering interstate traffic from an entrance or acceleration ramp:

Should yield to drivers already on the interstate.
Has the right-of-way.
May force their way into traffic.
Can assume that other drivers will change lanes to make room.

46 . Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit is ____ in municipal, business, and residential areas.

70 mph
55 mph
45 mph
30 mph

47 . If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should:

Call the police immediately.
Stay calm and move out of the aggressive driver's way.
Flash your vehicle's lights to let the aggressive driver know he is wrong.
Use a driving action of your own to get back at the aggressive driver.

48 . When exiting the interstate, drivers should begin to decelerate:

As they turn on their blinker to enter the deceleration lane.
When they realize they are nearing their exit.
After turning into the deceleration lane.
When nearing the end of the deceleration lane.

49 . A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means:

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Look both ways as you cross the intersection.
Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

50 . Certain highway signs require drivers to obey an indicated instruction. Such signs are known as:

Regulatory signs.
Warning signs.
Information signs.
Guide signs.