1 . To enter a freeway:

Signal, yield to existing traffic, and enter at the same speed that traffic is moving.
Signal and enter the freeway. Freeway traffic must yield.
Drive slowly so you can check traffic.
Always come to a complete stop first.

2 . On slippery roads, you should:

Slow down.
Drive more quickly.
Drive the speed limit, with caution.
Not drive more quickly than 20 mph.

3 . A pedestrian starts to cross in front of your vehicle. You should:

Flash your lights.
Slow down.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian cross.

4 . You experience an incident at work that has left you feeling angry. When you get to your car, you should:

Play the radio loudly so you won’t think about it.
Drive fast on the interstate to let off steam.
Take a few minutes to cool off before you begin your drive home.
Stop at your favorite bar and have a few drinks before driving home.

5 . This road sign means:

You must travel at the speed indicated.
The maximum legal speed on the roadway is 55 mph.
You must travel through the intersection at the posted speed.
None of the above.

6 . You may cross solid yellow lines:

To pass traffic moving in the same direction.
During daylight hours only.
At any time.
When making turns.

7 . When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way?

Either one
The vehicle on the left
The vehicle on the right

8 . As alcohol builds up in your blood, it:

Slows down your reactions.
Makes you feel less confident.
Begins to metabolize itself more quickly.
Decreases the number of driving errors.

9 . If an approaching train is near enough or going fast enough to be a danger, you must:

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Not cross the tracks until the train has completely passed.
Cross the tracks at your own risk.
Find an alternative route across tracks.

10 . You notice that the driver in the vehicle ahead of you is driving with one hand and talking to a passenger. You should:

Give the vehicle extra space.
Know that the driver in the vehicle ahead is reducing their safety margin by being an inattentive driver.
Avoid following the driver's example.
All of the above.

11 . The driver's left arm and hand are extended upward. This hand signal means that the driver plans to:

Turn left.
Turn right.
Come to a stop.
Go straight ahead.

12 . To prevent hydroplaning, you should:

Ensure that your tires have good tread depth.
Ensure that your tires are properly inflated.
Reduce your speed when driving in the rain.
All of the above.

13 . You are involved in an accident and another person is injured. You should:

Moved the injured away from the scene immediately.
Always leave the injured where they are.
Not move the injured unnecessarily. Keep the injured warm and administer first aid.
Stay away from the injured.

14 . An arrow painted on the pavement means:

Drivers in the proper lane may make the movement indicated by the arrow, if they choose to do so.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow, but only if traffic lights are not working.
Drivers in the proper lane must always come to a complete stop before making the movement indicated by the arrow.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow while following directions indicated by traffic signals.

15 . What should you do when you are going to enter a roadway from a private road?

Blow your horn to warn cars you are entering the roadway.
Stop with part of your car on the roadway to alert other drivers.
Drive out fast to merge smoothly with the traffic.
Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and roadway traffic.

16 . Which of the following recommendations does not promote safe night driving?

Keep your windshield clean.
Be aware that tinted windows reduce visibility in the dark.
Carry a flashlight in your vehicle.
Look into the headlights of oncoming vehicles.

17 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Watch for drunk drivers.
Dangerous curve ahead.
Bump in the road ahead.

18 . You must yield to other drivers:

When entering a street from a garage or alley.
When they are on a road to your left and you have reached an unmarked intersection at the same time.
When your traffic signal is a green arrow.
All of the above.

19 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.
Lane change.

20 . This sign means:

Crossroad ahead.
Flagger ahead.
Lane ends.
Turn right or go straight.

21 . You need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because:

He or she is deaf.
He or she is a police officer.
He or she is blind.
He or she has poor balance.

22 . When entering a street from a driveway, you:

Must drive slowly to allow approaching vehicles and pedestrians time to get out of your way.
Must honk your horn so approaching vehicles and pedestrians know to give you room.
Must stop and proceed only when there are no pedestrians or vehicles approaching.
Can disregard any pedestrians if there is no sidewalk.

23 . If you drink alcohol socially, what helps ensure safe driving?

Drink coffee before driving.
Ride home with a friend who has not been drinking.
Take a cold shower before driving.
Stop drinking one half hour before driving.

24 . As you near an intersection, the traffic light changes from green to yellow. Your best action is to:

Speed up to beat the red light.
Apply the brakes sharply to stop.
Be prepared to stop in the center of the intersection.
Be prepared to stop before the intersection.

25 . Round signs indicate:

No passing zones.
School zones.
Upcoming railroad crossings.

26 . This sign is a warning that you are approaching:

An intersection.
A crosswalk.
A railroad crossing.
A blasting zone.
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27 . If you pass a school bus that is stopped to drop off or pick up children, you will:

Be fined at least $165.
Be fined less than $100.
Not be fined, but your license will be suspended.
Face no legal consequences.

28 . This road sign means:

You are about to enter a one-way street from the wrong direction.
U-turns are prohibited.
You may proceed if the way is clear.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

29 . A solid white line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

30 . If worried, nervous, angry, or crying, a driver:

Will drive no differently than they would if they were thinking more clearly.
Can drive faster because they are more in touch with their senses.
Should take the time to focus on driving before starting the engine.
Should call a friend to vent while driving.

31 . Fines for moving traffic violations in construction zones are:


32 . The sign with this shape and color is a ____ sign.

No passing zone
Wrong way
Railroad crossing

33 . Double solid yellow lines painted down the middle of the road mean:

Railroad crossing ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from either direction.

34 . Regulatory signs are usually ____ and should always be obeyed.


35 . The “No zone” is:

A term used to describe blind spots around a truck or bus.
A special speed zone.
A roadway with restrictions on vehicle stereo volume.
The television show that replaced The Twilight Zone.

36 . This sign means:

Lane ends.
No right turn.
Slippery when wet.
Two-way traffic.

37 . You are turning onto a two-lane road divided by a broken yellow line. You know immediately that:

You are on a two-way road.
You are on a one-way road.
The road is under repair.
You must stay to the left of the broken yellow lines.

38 . This sign means:

No parking.
Divided highway ahead.
Left turn signal.

39 . You may drive in HOV lanes if:

You are driving faster than the flow of traffic.
You are driving more slowly than the flow of traffic.
Your vehicle has two or more occupants.
You are trying to get somewhere quickly.

40 . This road sign means:

Hunting area.
State park.
Deer crossing.
Wildlife preserve.

41 . Taking drugs along with alcohol:

Increases the risk of causing a crash.
Is no more dangerous than consuming alcohol by itself.
Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to drive.
Has no effect on your general driving ability.

42 . You are coming to an intersection with a flashing yellow light. You should:

Stop and wait for the light to change.
Make a U-turn because the intersection is closed.
Drive carefully through the intersection.
Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.

43 . If your turn signals fail, you should use ____ to indicate that you are turning.

Your horn
Your headlights
Hand signals
Your emergency flashers

44 . A steady yellow light at an intersection means:

Yield to other cars.
Slow down and prepare to stop.

45 . Children are required to wear their seat belts:

Anytime they are in a moving car.
If their parents think they should.
If they choose to do so.
Only if they weigh under 100 pounds.

46 . Signs indicating areas of public recreation are:


47 . The most effective thing you can do to reduce your risk of being injured or killed in a traffic crash is to:

Wear your seat belt.
Limit your driving to weekdays.
Stay in the right lane on multilane highways.
Limit your driving to hours between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

48 . When driving on slick roads, you should:

Take turns more slowly than usual.
Change lanes quickly.
Accelerate quickly.
Brake hard.

49 . An approaching driver fails to dim their high beam headlights. Where should you look?

At the wheels of the approaching vehicle.
Toward the right side of the road.
Toward the left side of the road.
Straight down the middle of the road.

50 . Night driving can be more difficult than driving during the day because:

Cars overheat more quickly at night.
Visibility is reduced in the dark.
It is more likely to be raining at night.
You are more likely to encounter a motorcycle at night.