1 . The speed limit is ____ in school zones.

55 mph
45 mph
30 mph
20 mph

2 . This road sign means:

Your current roadway ends ahead.
You must bear either right or left.
A four-way intersection is ahead.
A road joins from the right.

3 . You come to an intersection displaying a flashing red light. You should:

Come to a full stop and go when it is safe to do so.
Stop only if other cars are also approaching the intersection.
Stop only if other cars are already within the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop, if necessary.

4 . This sign means:

Heavy traffic ahead.
Do not enter.
Railroad crossing.

5 . When you hear a fire engine siren behind you, you must:

Slow down until it passes you.
Drive with your flashers on.
Pull over to the side of the road and stop.
Speed up and take the nearest exit.

6 . This sign means:

Winding road.
No parking.
Right lane closed.
Multiple turns.

7 . Two solid yellow lines on the pavement mean:

Passing is allowed for drivers from both directions.
Passing is not allowed.
Passing is allowed if you are at the top a hill.
Passing is allowed during daylight only.

8 . A double solid yellow line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

9 . If you are driving in the left lane and a vehicle behind you is operating at a higher speed:

It is your right to continue using the left lane.
You are required by law to move out of the left lane.
You should ignore the other vehicle.
You should brake to get the other driver to slow down.

10 . Your vehicle strikes an unattended parked vehicle and you cannot locate the vehicle’s owner. You:

Have done as much as you can.
Must stay until the police arrive.
Must leave a written notice containing your name, your address, and the circumstances of the accident.
May go on your way.

11 . To pass a slower-moving vehicle on a two-lane, two-way road, you must:

Not cross the centerline.
Flash your lights at oncoming traffic.
Use the shoulder.
Use the lane that belongs to oncoming traffic.

12 . Certain highway signs contain information about hazardous conditions. Such signs are known as:

Regulatory signs.
Warning signs.
Information signs.
Guide signs.

13 . What can you do to avoid the need to make emergency stops while driving in traffic?

Honk your horn to make others aware of your presence.
Look ahead and maintain a safe following distance.
Drive in the right lane only.
Drive more slowly than the flow of traffic.

14 . If you are stopped by a police officer, you should:

Unbuckle your seat belt and lower your window.
Get your paperwork ready before the officer reaches your car.
Stay in your vehicle with your hands on the steering wheel and wait for the officer to approach you.
Get out of your car and walk toward the patrol car.

15 . When you are being tailgated:

Move over to the right, if there is an open lane to your right.
If there is not an open lane to your right, wait until the way is clear ahead and reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Never slow down abruptly.
All of the above.

16 . When passing other vehicles:

Check your mirrors and blind spots.
Honk your horn at least three times.
Re-enter your lane within 10 feet of the passed vehicle.
There is no need to signal.

17 . From the center lane, which maneuver(s) can you perform?

You may make left turns.
You may make U-turns.
You may pass slow-moving traffic.
All of the above.

18 . Traffic signals sometimes display arrows to control turns from specific lanes. A solid yellow arrow:

Is never used as a traffic signal.
Has the same meaning as a circular yellow traffic light.
Means that drivers may turn in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Tells drivers that a green arrow is about to be shown.

19 . When faced with an oncoming car to the left and a bicyclist to the right, you should:

Pull onto the shoulder.
Split the difference.
Let the car pass and then pass the bike.
Pass the bike quickly.

20 . If you stop at a railroad crossing with more than one track:

Wait to proceed until you have a clear view of all tracks.
Stop on the first railroad track and watch for another train.
Go through as soon as the train passes.
Go through when one of the tracks is free.

21 . When changing lanes, you should:

Rely on your mirrors.
Begin signaling as you move into the next lane.
Signal at least 500 feet before your lane change when driving on residential streets.
Always check your blind spot.

22 . While driving, your wheels slip off the edge of the road. You should:

Jerk the steering wheel to force the vehicle back onto the pavement.
Speed up and steer back onto the pavement gradually.
Slam on your brakes and stop.
Slow down by gently using the brakes. Turn the steering wheel to return to the pavement at a safe speed.

23 . If you are turning onto a street with more than one lane traveling in your direction, you should:

Turn into the lane closest to your previous lane.
Turn into the lane marked with an arrow.
Turn into the middle lane.
Turn into any lane.

24 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ends.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

25 . When encountering an aggressive driver, you should:

Avoid eye contact, slow down, and let them pass.
Cut them off to slow them down.
Retaliate by tailgating them.
Make sure they know you disapprove of their behavior.

26 . This sign means:

T intersection.
Lane shifting.
Side road.
Do not block intersection.
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27 . When stopped for a traffic violation or at an equipment check, the driver must produce:

Proof of insurance.
Their license.
Proof of registration.
All of the above.

28 . This sign means:

Divided highway ends.
One-way traffic ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.
Keep to the right.

29 . When a traffic signal light turns green, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
Accelerate as quickly as possible.
Back up slowly.
Not move until another driver waves you on.

30 . What may help drivers conserve gasoline?

Sitting in their driveways with their cars running.
Accelerating quickly.
Slowing down gradually.
Braking abruptly.

31 . A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should:

Read the labels on the drug before driving.
Drink alcohol instead.
Continue to drive regardless of any warning labels.
Drive only during daylight hours.

32 . A flashing red traffic signal at an intersection has the same requirements as:

A slow sign.
A yield sign.
A stop sign.
An intersection sign.

33 . Drivers must have a minimum of ____ in both Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance coverage and Property Damage Liability (PDL) insurance coverage.


34 . To check your blind spot before changing lanes:

Look into the left side mirror.
Look into the right side mirror.
Look into the rearview mirror.
Look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.

35 . This sign is used to warn drivers about:

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
An upcoming curve in the road.
Changes in traffic lanes.

36 . Don’t follow other cars too closely because:

You may not see the road between the cars.
You may not have time to stop if the vehicle in front of you slows or stops suddenly.
You may not see the vehicle's turn signals.
You may not see the other vehicle’s brake lights.

37 . Smoking and preparing to smoke while driving:

Do not affect driving abilities.
Help maintain driver alertness.
Are distracting activities.
Are not distracting activities.

38 . This road sign means:

Steep grade ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Low ground railroad crossing.
Low clearance.

39 . When you see a "Drawbridge" sign and you see a flashing yellow light, you should:

Slow down and prepare to stop.
Quickly speed up.
Proceed with caution.
Stop only if you see a boat.

40 . If you are driving and are 21 years old or older, you are considered to be driving under the influence when your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is a minimum of:

0.02 percent.
0.04 percent.
0.06 percent.
0.08 percent.

41 . To avoid being in a truck or bus driver’s blind spot, you should:

Never pass them.
Avoid driving alongside them and avoid tailgating.
Flash your lights at them.
Sound your horn.

42 . Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit is ____ on limited-access highways.

70 mph
55 mph
45 mph
30 mph

43 . A driver entering public traffic from a driveway or private road:

Has the right-of-way.
Should yield to drivers already on the public road.
May force their way into traffic.
Can assume that other drivers will change lanes to make room.

44 . This sign means:

There is a detour ahead.
You must stop for flaggers.
The road ahead is closed to traffic.
The highway ahead is undergoing maintenance.

45 . If your car breaks down on a highway, you should:

Sit in your car and wait for help.
Use your four-way flashers to warn other drivers.
Sound your horn at passing motorists.
Flash your headlights at oncoming traffic.

46 . When should drivers drive across or park on a median?

When they need to rest.
When they need to make a phone call.
When they want to turn around.
They should never drive into a median.

47 . To prepare for anything coming up on the road ahead, you should:

Continually scan the entire road and all roadsides.
Stare straight ahead at all times.
Drive with your left foot resting lightly on the brake pedal.
Maintain focus toward the middle of the road.

48 . You are stopped in a line of vehicles waiting at a stop sign. If there is no cross traffic after the vehicles ahead have passed through the intersection, you:

May proceed through the intersection without stopping again.
Must stop again at the stop sign or stop line before proceeding.
May slowly roll past the stop sign.
May follow the vehicle directly ahead of you without stopping.

49 . What do lane signals with a yellow X indicate?

The signal is about to change to a green arrow.
The signal is about to change to a red X.
Drivers may drive normally in this lane.
Drivers may drive slowly in this lane.

50 . Permitting an unlicensed person to drive can result in:

A $50 fine.
A 10-day jail sentence and a $100 fine.
A 30-day jail sentence and a $250 fine.
A 60-day jail sentence and a $500 fine.