1 . A rider's lane position should:

Hide them from other drivers.
Change frequently to avoid monotony.
Protect them from the wind.

2 . This sign means:

Yield sign ahead.
Side road entering from left.
Stop sign ahead.

3 . When carrying a passenger, you should:

Sit farther forward than you usually do.
Sit farther back than you usually do.
Sit in your usual comfortable position.

4 . While in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is:

Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're not driving.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're driving but not drunk.

5 . When riding behind a car, traveling in the center portion of the lane:

Allows you to be seen in its rearview mirror.
Usually makes it difficult for the driver to see you.
Should be avoided.

6 . Scan the road ______ ahead of your motorcycle.

12 seconds
10 seconds
Five seconds

7 . When being passed by another vehicle, motorcyclists should be alert to:

The other vehicle's extended mirrors.
Objects being thrown from the other vehicle.
Both of the above.

8 . To properly control a motorcycle, you should:

Allow your feet to hang off the footrests.
Sit so your arms hold up your body.
Keep your knees against the gas tank.

9 . In general, which position within a lane is the best to ride in?

The left position
The right position
There is no single best lane position.

10 . It is recommended that you take a curve by beginning on the outside of the curve, moving to the inside of the curve, and exiting on the outside of the curve. An alternate option is to:

Start on the inside of the curve and drift toward the outside.
Start in the center of the curve and stay there until you exit.
Weave between all three lane positions while taking a curve.

11 . When motorcyclists ride in a group:

Inexperienced riders should lead the group.
Inexperienced riders should be near the front of the group.
Inexperienced riders should be in the back of the group.

12 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.

13 . When riding a motorcycle, you should:

Always wear a jacket.
Only wear a jacket at night.
Only wear a jacket if it is cold outside.
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14 . To control a motorcycle well, you should:

Use your arms to hold yourself up.
Keep your knees against the gas tank.
Sit so your arms are straight when reaching for the handlebars.

15 . A rider's boots or shoes should:

Be below their ankles.
Cover their ankles.
Be made of a soft, pliable material.

16 . In addition to hazardous road conditions, riders should search for:

Traffic approaching from behind.
Oncoming traffic that could turn left in front of them.
Both of the above.

17 . When changing lanes, you should:

Use your mirrors and look over your shoulder.
Use your mirrors. You do not need to look over your shoulder unless you notice something unusual.
Either use your mirrors or look over your shoulder.

18 . When should a rider increase their following distance?

When riding at night or in heavy traffic.
When riding in rain, fog, or snow.
Both of the above.

19 . What does this road sign mean?

Slow down and prepare to stop if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop then proceed when it is safe to do so.
Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.

20 . This sign means:

No left turn can be made here.
A left turn can be made only after stopping.
All traffic must turn right at the next intersection.

21 . Where is the greatest potential for conflict between you and other vehicles?

At intersections
On the highway
On any road

22 . If braking in a curve:

Only use the front brake.
You may have less traction as you lean into the curve.
You will have more traction as you lean into the curve.

23 . You should pick a lane position that:

Best increases your visibility and allows for a safe cushion of space.
You like, without regard to others.
Gets you close to other vehicles.

24 . This sign means:

Change in direction or narrowing of roadway.
No right turn.
No passing zone.

25 . This road sign means:

Flagger ahead.
Turn left at the intersection.
Last turn before a toll road.