1 . On a green arrow, you must:

Yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection.
Yield to pedestrians only in the intersection.
Wait four seconds before proceeding.

2 . This road sign means:

Road construction ahead.
The road ahead curves left then right.
The road ahead curves right then left.

3 . If a vehicle is equipped with airbags:

Seat belts should still be worn.
Seat belts do not need to be worn.
Seat belts should be worn behind the back.

4 . You are driving on the freeway behind a large truck. You should drive:

Closer behind the truck than you would if following a passenger vehicle.
Farther behind the truck than you would if following a passenger vehicle.
To the right side of the truck and wait to pass.

5 . Which of these is a safe driving technique?

Using your high beam lights in the fog.
Staring at the road ahead of your vehicle.
Checking your rearview mirrors frequently.

6 . When you see this sign, you should stop and:

Check for vehicles only in the direction that you plan on going, then proceed.
Let all vehicles that arrive before or after you go first.
Check for traffic in all directions before proceeding.

7 . You are involved in a minor collision at an intersection. There are no injuries and there is very little vehicle damage. You should:

Leave your vehicle in the traffic lane until law enforcement arrives.
Move your vehicle out of the traffic lane, if possible.
Not move your vehicle for any reason.

8 . While in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is:

Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're not driving.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're driving but not drunk.

9 . This sign means:

Merge right.
Divided highway begins.
Lane ends.

10 . Make room for cars that are entering the freeway by:

Slowing down.
Merging into a different lane.
Maintaining your speed and position.

11 . Hydroplaning occurs when tires ride on a thin film of water instead of on the surface of the road. To prevent hydroplaning in rainy weather, you should:

Put on your cruise control to maintain a constant speed.
Decrease your speed.
Move to the shoulder of the road as soon as it starts to rain.

12 . What does a traffic signal with a yellow left arrow indicate?

Drivers should prepare to yield to oncoming traffic.
The protected left turn is about to end.
Both of the above.

13 . When driving in fog, rain, or snow, use:

Low beams.
High beams.
Fog lights only.

14 . Trucks' blind spots are:

Directly behind the body.
On the immediate left of the cab.
Both on the immediate left of the cab and directly behind the body.

15 . The speed limit in school zones is:

15 mph.
20 mph.
25 mph.

16 . This sign means:

Winding road ahead.
Do not enter.
Pedestrian crossing.
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17 . A steady green traffic light at an intersection means:

Increase your speed.
Adjust your mirrors.
You may continue through the intersection at a safe and reasonable speed, if it is clear to do so.

18 . Any amount of alcohol in the blood may affect a driver's:

Right-of-way privileges.
Judgment and physical coordination.

19 . When driving under snowy or icy conditions:

It is safe to use your cruise control.
Make speed and directional changes more gradually than you would otherwise.
Drive as you would under normal conditions.

20 . This sign means:

Trucks entering.
Truck exit only.
Steep downgrade ahead.

21 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
No turning.
No left turn.

22 . A blood alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent:

Won't have any effect on your driving.
Won't put other drivers at risk.
Will double your chances of having an accident.

23 . This sign means:

No turns.
No outlet.
No U-turns.

24 . When entering an interstate highway, you should:

Stop, check for cars, and enter when safe.
Check for cars and reduce your speed to 25 mph before entering the traffic lane.
Check for cars, increase your speed to match the flow of traffic, and merge when the way is clear.

25 . This road sign means:

Road widens ahead.
Lane reduction. The right lane ends soon and traffic should merge left.
Highway entrance ramp ahead.

26 . To see vehicles in your blind spots, you should check:

The inside rearview mirror.
The outside rearview mirror.
Over your shoulders.

27 . A driver should:

Stare directly in front of their car.
Only focus on the middle of the road.
Watch beside, ahead, and to the rear of their car.

28 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.

29 . You must yield the right-of-way to an emergency vehicle by:

Pulling as far to the right side of the road as possible and stopping.
Speeding up to clear the lane.
Moving into the right lane and driving slowly until the emergency vehicle has passed.

30 . After passing a vehicle, it is safe to return to your driving lane when:

The driver you passed signals for you to return to your lane.
You signal your intention for three seconds.
You see the headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.