1 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Right turn on red light permitted with caution.
All traffic must turn right at next intersection.

2 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.

3 . A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means:

The same thing as a yield sign.
The light is about to turn green.
The same thing as a stop sign.

4 . Use your headlights on rainy, snowy, or foggy days:

To keep your engine warm.
So others can see your vehicle.
To warn others of bad weather conditions.

5 . If you are driving and the rear end of your car starts skidding to the left, you should:

Steer to the right.
Steer to the left.
Tap your brakes lightly and shift into neutral.

6 . If weather or light conditions require you to have your lights on while driving:

Use your parking lights.
Use your high beams.
Use your low beams.

7 . This white sign means:

The railroad crossing is controlled. Continue at your regular speed.
Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing if necessary.
Stop at the railroad tracks and wait for a signal before crossing.

8 . When passing on the left of a vehicle, it is safe to move back into the right lane:

After about three seconds.
When you can no longer see the vehicle over your right shoulder.
When you can see the front of the vehicle in your rearview mirror.

9 . This sign means:

You can travel in either direction in this lane.
There is two-way traffic.
You are approaching a divided highway.

10 . If there is a deep puddle on the road ahead, you should:

Maintain the posted speed to make it through the water.
Avoid the puddle if possible.
Shift into neutral as you drive through the water.

11 . This sign means:

Cars on the right move first.
You have the right-of-way.
Let cross traffic pass before proceeding.

12 . When passing a row of parked vehicles, you should:

Be prepared for a person or vehicle to unexpectedly enter your lane.
Expect all other drivers and pedestrians to respect your right-of-way.
Drive closely to the parked vehicles to allow more room for moving traffic.

13 . Alcohol is:

A stimulant.
An antihistamine.
A depressant.

14 . This sign indicates that the road ahead:

Turns sharply right, then left.
Curves right, then left.
Curves right.

15 . It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of:

0.05 percent.
0.08 percent.
0.02 percent.

16 . "No passing zone" signs tell drivers:

To speed up slightly.
That it is not safe to pass.
To maintain a steady speed.
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17 . When passing another car, you have enough space to return to the driving lane:

If the other driver signals for you to re-enter the lane.
If you look over your shoulder and see the passed car behind you.
If you can see both of the passed vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror.

18 . If you are feeling fatigued while driving, you should:

Increase your speed to reach your destination more quickly.
Increase the volume of your radio.
Find a safe parking area to take a short nap.

19 . When backing up:

Look through the rear window.
Press hard on the gas pedal.
Rely only on your rearview mirror.

20 . Which of the following driving skills is/are affected by the use of alcohol and/or drugs?

Both of the above.

21 . This road sign means:

Sharp right turn ahead.
A road joins from the right.
The road ahead turns sharply right then sharply left.

22 . How many alcoholic drinks does it take to affect your driving ability?


23 . If you are getting tired while driving, you should:

Stop and either get rest or change drivers.
Drink something with caffeine.
Open a window.

24 . When merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:

At or near the speed of the freeway traffic.
At the legal speed limit.
More slowly than the freeway traffic.

25 . Always stop before crossing railroad tracks when:

There isn't room on the other side for you to completely cross the tracks.
The railroad crossing is located in a city or town that has frequent train traffic.
You are transporting two or more young children in a passenger vehicle.

26 . This road sign means:

Intersection ahead.
Steep grade ahead.
Winding road.

27 . This road sign means:

Bicycle crossing.
Stop only if other cars are approaching.
Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.

28 . When you approach an octagonal sign, you must:


29 . A broken yellow line beside a solid yellow line indicates that:

Passing is permitted from the lane next to the solid yellow line.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from the lane next to the broken yellow line.

30 . When arriving to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as vehicles to your right and left, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your left.
Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right.
Wait until there are no vehicles at the intersection before proceeding.