1 . This sign means:

Upcoming change in direction.

2 . When parking next to a curb, you should use your turn signals:

Only when pulling away from the curb.
When pulling next to, but not away from, the curb.
When pulling next to or away from the curb.

3 . Prior to entering a curve:

Activate your turn signal.
Reduce your speed.
Brake hard.

4 . This sign means:

You can travel in either direction in this lane.
There is two-way traffic.
You are approaching a divided highway.

5 . The proper way to make a right turn is to:

Signal, slow down, and get into the lane closest to the centerline before turning.
Signal, slow down, and get into the lane closest to the right curb before turning.
Approach the corner in the lane nearest the right curb, but move over toward the middle of the street before turning.

6 . What does this road sign mean?

Be ready to merge with traffic entering your lane.
Always stop.
Divided highway ahead.

7 . This road sign means:

Cars in the right lane must slow down.
No left turn.

8 . Delaware law does not say who has the right-of-way. It says:

Who must yield the right-of-way.
Nothing about the right-of-way.
Right-of-way does not exist.

9 . Tailgating other drivers (driving too closely to their rear bumper):

Can frustrate other drivers and make them angry.
Cannot result in a traffic citation.
Reduces collisions by preventing being "cut off."

10 . This road sign means:

Pedestrian crossing.
School crossing.
Jogging trail.

11 . If you can see that the roadway up ahead is covered by heavy smoke, you should:

Turn on your four-way flashers and continue.
Reduce your speed, move as far to the right as possible, and stop off the roadway.
Turn on your high beam headlights and continue.

12 . As you enter into a roundabout, you should slow down and:

Yield to any crossing pedestrians and bicyclists.
Yield to any car already within the roundabout.
Both of the above.

13 . Which of the following substances can affect the ability to drive?

Tranquilizers, marijuana, and sedatives.
Cough syrups and cold tablets containing codeine or antihistamines.
All of the above.

14 . Which of these statements is true about drugs and driving?

Any prescription drug is safe to use if you don't feel drowsy.
Even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving.
Only illegal drugs can impair your driving.

15 . Which of the following is most likely to be slippery in cold weather after snow or rain?

A hilly, open road
A residential road
A road in a shaded area

16 . You must yield to a pedestrian using a white cane or guide dog:

Only when the guide dog is leading the person across the street.
At all times.
Only if a crossing guard is present.
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17 . Which of the following statements about driving speed is true?

As your speed increases, the chance of a fatality increases.
As your speed increases, so should your following distance.
Both of the above.

18 . This sign indicates a:

Railroad crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
No passing zone.

19 . If the rear of your vehicle is skidding to the left, you should:

Not turn your steering wheel.
Turn your steering wheel to the left to correct the skid.
Turn your steering wheel to the right to correct the skid.

20 . When parking your vehicle on any hill:

One of your rear wheels should touch the curb.
Use your parking brake and leave the vehicle in "park."
Your front wheels should be parallel to the road, if there is no curb.

21 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Stop sign ahead.
Divided highway.

22 . You are approaching an intersection where a traffic signal is displaying a steady yellow light. If you have not already entered the intersection, you should:

Speed up to beat the red light.
Reduce you speed and proceed carefully through the intersection.
Come to a safe stop.

23 . You should yield to a pedestrian:

Only if they are in a crosswalk.
At all times, even if the pedestrian is not obeying traffic laws.
Only if the traffic lights are in the pedestrian's favor.

24 . Various traffic control devices in construction and maintenance work areas are the color:


25 . What message will be found on this yellow pennant-shaped sign?

Right turns only.
Right turns permitted.
No passing zone.

26 . This sign means:

Divided highway.
Railroad warning.
No passing zone.

27 . Where is it safe to pass another vehicle?

Within an intersection where there are no oncoming vehicles
Wherever signs and/or pavement markings permit passing
Within a curve where there are no oncoming vehicles

28 . Drivers turning left must yield to:

Overtaking cars.
Oncoming cars.
No one.

29 . If you come to an intersection controlled by a flashing yellow light, you must:

Wait for the green light before proceeding.
Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.
Stop before crossing the intersection.

30 . This sign means:

Road construction/maintenance area.
Side road.
Railroad ahead.