1 . A motorcycle passenger should:

Wear the same protective gear that is recommended to operators.
Share a footrest with the operator.
Not hold onto the operator.
Force the operator to sit closer to the front of the bike than they normally would.

2 . Do not change gears on railroad tracks because:

Your motorcycle may stall.
You might go too fast.
Other drivers may not be expecting you to change gears.
The uneven surface may make it more difficult to switch gears.

3 . Head and neck injuries can be reduced by:

Wearing a helmet.
Wearing a leather jacket.
Using the rear brake only.
Wearing goggles.

4 . This sign tells you that:

No turns are allowed on this road.
The road narrows ahead.
There are a series of curves ahead.
The road may be slippery when wet.

5 . If you began a curve on the outside and no traffic is present when you are exiting the curve, you should move:

Toward the center of the curve.
Toward the inside of the curve.
Toward the outside of the curve.
Wherever you prefer.

6 . To control a motorcycle properly, you should:

Sit so you can use your arms to steer, not to hold yourself up.
Sit far enough back on the seat that you can keep your arms straight.
Keep your knees away from the gas tank.
Drag your feet on the ground.

7 . In general, when riding at night, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

8 . What does alcohol do to your riding skills and judgement?

It harms both riding skills and judgement.
It helps riding skills but harms your judgement.
It has no effect on either riding skills or judgement.
It has no effect on judgement but it harms riding skills.

9 . Riding a motorcycle is ______ driving a car.

Less tiring than
More tiring than
Just as tiring as
No different from
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10 . Low-speed crashes:

Can be fatal.
Are never serious.
Rarely cause injuries.
Happen frequently, so there is no need to worry about them.

11 . When gripping the handgrips, your hands should:

Be above your elbows.
Be even with or below your elbows.
Be close to your elbows.
Feel relaxed and free.

12 . Which of the following types of clothing can help you to be seen by other drivers?

Darkly-colored clothes
Clothes made from synthetic materials
Reflective clothes
A leather jacket

13 . When riding in rain or fog, you should:

Use your high beam headlight.
Use your low beam headlight.
Not use your headlight.
Alternate between your headlight's low and high beam settings.

14 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure your bike's brake lights work properly.
Make sure the paint on the bike is not peeling.
Make sure your bike is completely clean.
Make sure you can see your helmet in your mirrors.

15 . When braking, you should:

Squeeze the front brake and press the rear brake.
Grab at the front brake and squeeze the rear brake.
Jam on the front brake and grab at the rear brake.
Press down on the front brake and jam on the rear brake.

16 . Before starting out, your fuel valve should be:
