1 . In a slow, tight turn, the rider should:

Counterbalance the leaning motorcycle by keeping their body upright.
Lean at the same angle as the motorcycle.
Lean in the opposite direction of the motorcycle and the turn.
Counterbalance their leaning body by keeping the motorcycle upright.

2 . To qualify as a moped, a motorcycle must:

Weigh less than 75 pounds.
Have a seat that is less than 15 inches off the ground.
Produce no more than five brake horsepower.
Not have a seat.

3 . When turning a three-wheeled motorcycle, you should:

Lean your body slightly in the direction of the turn.
Lean your body drastically in the direction of the turn.
Lean your body slightly away from the turn.
Lean your body drastically away from the turn.

4 . When being passed by another vehicle, motorcyclists should be alert to:

The other vehicle's extended mirrors.
Objects being thrown from the other vehicle.
Gusts of wind coming from the passing vehicle.
All of the above.

5 . What are the colors of warning signs indicating upcoming hazards?

Black letters or symbols on a white background
Black letters or symbols on a yellow background
White letters or symbols on a blue background
White letters or symbols on a green background

6 . If riding in a group, you should:

Try to make the group as large as possible.
Put inexperienced motorcyclists in the back.
Encourage motorcyclists to ride in pairs.
Avoid riding in pairs.

7 . Under ideal conditions, a motorcyclist should maintain a minimum following distance of:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Four seconds.

8 . If you plan to slow down while being followed closely by another vehicle, you should:

Tap the brake to flash your brake light before beginning to slow down.
Accelerate to put some distance between your motorcycle and the vehicle and then slow down.
Hold your left arm straight out.
Slam on your brakes.

9 . When traveling in heavy traffic, maintain a minimum ______ following distance.

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10 . A load being carried on a motorcycle should be:

Kept as high as possible.
Kept as low as possible.
Placed in front of the front wheel.
Placed mostly on the left side of the motorcycle.

11 . Before riding, a motorcycle operator should check the clutch. A properly working clutch should feel:

Loose and rough.
Tight and smooth.
Loose and smooth.
Tight and rough.

12 . Which of the following is not a type of protective riding gear?

A leather jacket
Boots that go above the ankle
Hearing protection
Pants made of a soft material

13 . A motorist driving behind a motorcycle should increase their following distance by a minimum of:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Eight seconds.

14 . When riding with a passenger, you may need to adjust:

The brakes.
The brake light.
The fluid levels.
The suspension.

15 . It is recommended that you take a curve by beginning on the outside of the curve, moving to the inside of the curve, and exiting on the outside of the curve. An alternate option is to:

Start on the inside of the curve and drift toward the outside.
Start in the center of the curve and stay there until you exit.
Weave between all three lane positions while taking a curve.
Start on the inside of the curve and stay there until you exit.

16 . When carrying a passenger, you should:

Sit farther forward than you usually do.
Sit farther back than you usually do.
Sit in your usual comfortable position.
Sit anywhere.