1 . When stopping on snow or ice, drivers who are operating vehicles equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) should:

Pump the brakes.
Press and hold the brake pedal firmly.
Stay off the brakes and wait for the car to drift to a stop.

2 . To prevent yourself from becoming an aggressive driver:

Relax and concentrate on driving.
Drive above the posted speed limit.
Tailgate the driver in front of you.

3 . When changing lanes, you should never:

Cross the centerline in an intersection.
Check your blind spots by looking over your left or right shoulder.
Check for other drivers moving into the same lane.

4 . You should signal continuously while turning because it:

Is illegal to turn off your signal before completing a turn.
Lets other drivers know what your intentions are.
Is always unsafe to turn off a signal before completing a turn.

5 . When passing another vehicle:

Pass the vehicle as slowly as possible.
Drive at the same speed as the vehicle you are passing.
Pass the vehicle as safely and as quickly as possible.

6 . If you are getting tired while driving, you should:

Stop and either get rest or change drivers.
Drink something with caffeine.
Open a window.

7 . When should drivers yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in a crosswalk?

Only if the pedestrians first wave to the driver.
Only if the pedestrians are not texting while walking.
At all times.

8 . This road sign means:

Road widens ahead.
Lane reduction. The right lane ends soon and traffic should merge left.
Highway entrance ramp ahead.

9 . Which of these statements is true about roadwork zones?

Fines are the same for violations committed in work zones as they are under normal traffic conditions.
You must "Slow for the Cone Zone."
Slow down only if you think workers are present.

10 . Children on bicycles should be given extra space by motor vehicle operators because:

They do not have the same physical reflexes as adults.
They are smaller and more difficult to see than adults.
Both of the above.

11 . The best thing to do if you become tired while driving is to:

Stop to rest or change drivers.
Drink coffee.
Open a window.

12 . It is very foggy. You should slow down and:

Turn on your emergency flashers.
Turn your lights to their high beam setting.
Turn your lights to their low beam setting.

13 . A blood alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent:

Won't have any effect on your driving.
Won't put other drivers at risk.
Will double your chances of having an accident.
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14 . If you are driving and you see animals standing near the roadway:

Speed up to scare them away.
Slow down and proceed with caution.
Quickly swerve into the next lane.

15 . When backing up:

Look through the rear window.
Press hard on the gas pedal.
Rely only on your rearview mirror.

16 . This sign means:

Side road.
Yield the right-of-way.

17 . This sign is used to warn drivers that:

The right lane is ending and traffic should merge left.
The road curves ahead.
There are upcoming intersections.

18 . In inclement weather, you should:

Steer off the road.
Drive in a low gear.
Steer and brake smoothly.

19 . What does a traffic signal with a yellow left arrow indicate?

Drivers should prepare to yield to oncoming traffic.
The protected left turn is about to end.
Both of the above.

20 . Increase your following distance when driving behind a large vehicle:

To better see around the sides of the vehicle.
Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them.
Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream.

21 . There's an approaching emergency vehicle using its flashing lights and siren. You should:

Slow down and keep moving.
Maintain your speed.
Pull over to the right and stop.

22 . When a pedestrian guided by a dog or carrying a white cane is crossing the street:

You must always yield the right-of-way.
You must tell them where to cross the street.
You only have to yield the right-of-way if you are at a corner.

23 . On a freeway, you should look farther ahead than you would on a city street:

In order to see potential hazards early.
Because it takes a quarter of a mile to stop your vehicle completely.
Because it helps you keep up with traffic.

24 . While in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is:

Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're not driving.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're driving but not drunk.

25 . This sign means:

No passing zone.
Slow-moving vehicle.
Two-way traffic.