1 . When changing lanes, you can check your blind spot by:

Using the inside rearview mirror.
Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.
Using your side mirror.

2 . You have stopped for a train at a railroad crossing. After the train passes, you should:

Wait for signal lights to stop flashing.
Look for a second train.
Both of the above.

3 . When you see an emergency vehicle approaching while using its flashing lights, you must:

Maintain your speed and stay in your lane until the vehicle has passed.
Move into the right lane and drive slowly until the vehicle has passed.
Pull over to the curb or edge of the road and stop until the vehicle has passed.

4 . This sign means:

Traffic signal ahead.
Yield the right-of-way.

5 . If your vehicle has a mechanical problem:

Signal and pull into the slow lane.
Stop in your lane and put on your hazard lights.
Put on your hazard lights and pull off the road.

6 . What is the purpose of rumble strips?

They alert drivers to potential tire problems.
They test a vehicle's shock absorbers.
Through vibration and sound, they alert inattentive drivers to the fact that their vehicles have left the travel lane.

7 . You want to turn left at an upcoming corner. Yield the right-of-way to:

Oncoming vehicles also turning left.
All approaching vehicles.
Pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting for a "Walk" signal.

8 . When driving at night on a dimly lit street, you should:

Drive slowly enough that you can stop within the area illuminated by your headlights.
Turn on your high beam headlights to better see the vehicles ahead of you.
Keep the instrument panel lights bright to be more visible to other drivers.

9 . When passing, you should move back into the right lane when:

You are one vehicle length ahead of the passed vehicle.
You can see both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.
You are 50 feet ahead of the passed vehicle.

10 . When turning left at an intersection:

You should always yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
Oncoming traffic and pedestrians should yield to you.
You should never yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.

11 . What is the only medically proven method of removing alcohol or other drug combinations from your system?

Breathe in some fresh air.
Give your body time.
Drink coffee.

12 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
All traffic must go straight.
A side road intersects ahead.

13 . Trucks' blind spots are:

Directly behind the body.
On the immediate left of the cab.
Both on the immediate left of the cab and directly behind the body.
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14 . To avoid traction loss on wet roads, you should:

Make abrupt turns.
Apply the brakes firmly.
Slow down.

15 . You may legally block an intersection:

If you entered the intersection on the green light.
During rush hour traffic.
Under no circumstances.

16 . Which of the following is most likely to be slippery in cold weather after snow or rain?

A hilly, open road
A residential road
A road in a shaded area

17 . You hit a parked vehicle and can't find the owner. What must you do?

Call your insurance company when you get home.
Wait for the owner to return.
Leave a note with your name and address on the parked vehicle.

18 . If you are arrested for a first time DUI offense and you refuse to take a breath test, your license will be suspended for at least:

14 days.
45 days.
21 days.

19 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield to trains.

20 . If you become drowsy while driving, you should:

Try to fight it.
Take a break.
Take some caffeine pills.

21 . If you are 16 or 17 years old and are convicted of driving more than 20 miles per hour over the speed limit, your license will be suspended for:

30 days.
45 days.
60 days.

22 . Remove all snow, frost, and ice from:

Just the windshield.
All windows.
Just the windshield and passenger window.

23 . When arriving to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as vehicles to your right and left, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your left.
Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right.
Wait until there are no vehicles at the intersection before proceeding.

24 . Having a driver license is a:


25 . When driving on gravel or dirt roads:

Your tires grip the road better than when you are driving on pavement.
Your tires do not have as much traction as they do on pavement, so you must slow down.
Visibility is better than on pavement.