1 . When riding a motorcycle, your feet should be:

On the footrests for balance.
Pointed with your toes aiming downward.

2 . Motorcycles pulling trailers:

Are not allowed in carpool lanes.
Can travel in any lane on a highway.
Must travel no faster than 25 mph.

3 . A "wobble," or a sudden shaking of the front wheel and handle bars, can usually be traced to:

Incorrect tire pressure or uneven loading.
Improperly tightening the front wheel to the frame.
Hitting an object with the front tire.

4 . Reflective, brightly-colored helmets and clothing:

Should only be worn when riding at night.
Can help motorcycle riders be more visible.
Do not increase a motorcycle rider's safety.

5 . When other vehicles are slowed or stopped:

A motorcyclist should not weave between lanes of traffic.
It is acceptable for a motorcyclist to weave in and out of traffic lanes.
A motorcyclist should ride in a straight line between two lanes.

6 . If you accidentally lock your rear brake on a good traction surface, you should:

Let go of the rear brake.
Keep the rear brake locked until you stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.

7 . To reduce the chances of a collision, you should:

Wear bright or reflective clothing.
Change lanes frequently.
Focus only on your riding, not on your surroundings.

8 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Stop sign ahead.
No U-turn.

9 . If a sign prohibits the use of a moped on a freeway:

Mopeds cannot be used on the freeway.
Mopeds can only be used on the freeway when traffic is moving smoothly.
Mopeds can be used on the freeway if they are not operated at speeds faster than 25 mph.

10 . Making eye contact with another driver:

Means that they see you.
Doesn’t mean that they will properly yield to you.
Guarantees that they will properly yield to you.

11 . When sitting on a motorcycle, your arms should:

Have a large bend at the elbow when reaching for the handle grips.
Be slightly bent when holding the handle grips.
Be fully extended when reaching for the handle grips.

12 . Noise created by wind:

Is easy to get used to.
May cause irreversible hearing damage.
Is never a danger.

13 . This yellow signs means:

The road ahead has many curves.
There is a sharp curve in the road ahead.
The road ahead may be slippery.

14 . Drivers entering the road from an entrance ramp may not see you. To help drivers on an entrance ramp, you should:

Sound your horn.
Move into another lane, if necessary.
Move to the left portion of your lane so they can share the lane, if necessary.

15 . If using saddlebags to carry a load, you should:

Load the bags as evenly as possible.
Unevenly distribute weight into the saddlebags.
Place as much weight as possible into one saddlebag.

16 . Who is required to wear a helmet on a moving motorcycle?

Only passengers
All motorcycle riders and passengers
No one
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17 . If you are passing a row of parked vehicles to your right and there is no oncoming traffic to your left, you should ride:

In the left portion of your lane.
In the right portion of your lane.
In the center of your lane.

18 . This sign means:

Road construction/maintenance area.
Side road.
Railroad ahead.

19 . A sign with this shape means:

No passing zone.
Right turn permitted on red.
Yield right-of-way.

20 . When preparing to pass another vehicle on the left, you should:

Move to the left portion of the lane.
Move to the right portion of the lane.
Weave in and out of all three lane positions.

21 . When should a rider increase their following distance?

When riding at night or in heavy traffic.
When riding in rain, fog, or snow.
Both of the above.

22 . To reduce the chances of a collision, a motorcycle rider should:

Maintain an adequate space cushion.
Ride very slowly.
Ride the centerline.

23 . Taking a turn too fast can cause a rider to:

Accidentally end up in another lane of traffic.
Get through the turn faster.
Keep control of their motorcycle.

24 . When making a non-emergency stop on a motorcycle:

Only the front brake should be used.
The front and rear brakes should be applied at the same time.
Only the rear brake should be used.

25 . When crossing angled railroad tracks, it is usually best to:

Use the shoulder of the road to slow down before crossing the tracks.
Walk your motorcycle across the tracks.
Continue straight within your lane to cross the tracks.

26 . Use your mirrors when stopping at an intersection:

To determine if drivers behind you are aware that you are stopping.
To watch for pedestrians ahead.
To look for dark clouds that may indicate poor weather conditions.

27 . This sign means:

Four-lane traffic ahead.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.

28 . In hot weather, wearing a riding jacket:

Is discouraged because it can cause heat-related problems.
Can help protect against heat exhaustion and dehydration.
Should only be done if the jacket is a light color.

29 . If you must brake and swerve to avoid danger, you should:

Use only the front brake while swerving.
Brake and swerve at the same time.
Either brake then swerve or swerve then brake.

30 . A motorcycle’s brake light is _________ a passenger vehicle’s brake light.

More noticeable than
Just as noticeable as
Not as noticeable as