1 . When being passed, it is usually best for motorcyclists to be in which part of the lane?

The right
The center
The left

2 . This road sign means:

Watch for people crossing your path.
No passing zone.
Work zone ahead.

3 . If your drive chain slips while you are riding, you should:

Continue riding normally.
Immediately pull off the road to fix the chain.
Remember to fix the chain on your next stop.

4 . Most motorcycle crashes occur:

In broad daylight.
At dusk.
At night.

5 . Drivers entering the road from an entrance ramp may not see you. To help drivers on an entrance ramp, you should:

Sound your horn.
Move into another lane, if necessary.
Move to the left portion of your lane so they can share the lane, if necessary.

6 . When should a rider increase their following distance?

When riding at night or in heavy traffic.
When riding in rain, fog, or snow.
Both of the above.

7 . An ideal lane position should:

Increase your ability to see and be seen.
Place you in other drivers’ blind spots.
Invite others to share your lane.

8 . A passenger on a motorcycle should:

Put their feet on the ground when the motorcycle is stopped.
Not ride without a back rest.
Sit as far forward as possible without crowding the operator.

9 . When riding in a group on a straight road, motorcyclists should:

Ride in a single-file formation.
Pair up.
Stagger their formation.

10 . What are the four steps to safely completing a turn?

Slow, shift, look, and lurch.
Slow, look, press, and roll.
Press, lean, turn, and grip.

11 . Which factor does not play a major role in affecting your blood alcohol content (BAC)?

The amount of alcohol consumed
Body weight

12 . When passing a row of parked vehicles, a motorcycle rider has an advantage over an automobile driver because:

The motorcycle can accelerate more quickly than a car.
The motorcyclist can ride in the left part of the lane to avoid people and cars to their right.
Motorcycles have a shorter stopping distance than cars do.

13 . __________ can be a cause of collisions involving motorcycles.

Inappropriately sounding a horn
Communicating with other drivers

14 . During the day, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

15 . To lessen your chances of being involved in a crash, you should do all of the following, except:

Scan your path ahead.
Be ready to act to avoid a hazard.
Turn your headlight off during the day.

16 . Riding a motorcycle is ______ driving a car.

Less tiring than
More tiring than
Just as tiring as
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17 . When parked on the road, a motorcycle should:

Create an angle with the curb that is between 45 and 90 degrees.
Be parked without a wheel or fender touching the curb.
Be parked parallel to the curb.

18 . This sign means:

No turns.
No outlet.
No U-turns.

19 . This sign means:

Slow down; curving road ahead.
Slow down and do not use your brakes.
Slow down; slippery when wet.

20 . A motorcyclist should attempt to avoid obstacles on the roadway. If avoiding an obstacle is not possible, the motorcyclist should:

Speed up before coming into contact with the object.
Stay seated so the seat can cushion some of the impact.
Try to approach the obstacle at as close to a 90-degree angle as possible.

21 . If possible, do not ride directly next to another vehicle because:

Another driver may want to use your lane to pass.
You may be in the vehicle’s blind spot.
You may have access to escape routes.

22 . To reduce the chances of a collision, a motorcycle rider should:

Maintain an adequate space cushion.
Ride very slowly.
Ride the centerline.

23 . When you see this sign, you should:

Watch for traffic merging from the right.
Merge right.
Turn left.

24 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure your bike's brake lights work properly.
Make sure the paint on the bike is not peeling.
Make sure your bike is completely clean.

25 . The front brake:

Should only be used in an emergency.
Should be used with the rear brake.
Is unsafe to use.

26 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?

Wet leaves
Dry pavement
Loose gravel

27 . If your motorcycle begins to weave while you are riding over rain grooves or bridge gratings, you should:

Speed up to get over the surface faster.
Exaggerate the zigzag motion to get the attention of other drivers.
Maintain a steady speed and ride straight across the grooves or gratings.

28 . Which of the following factors may affect the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a person?

The amount of alcohol consumed
The drinker's height
The temperature outside

29 . When looking through a turn, you should:

Turn both your head and your shoulders to get a better look.
Only move your eyes, not your head.
Turn just your head, not your shoulders.

30 . Riding on ______ may provide poor traction.

Pavement markings
Dry pavement
The roadway under a bridge