1 . When changing lanes on a freeway, you should:

Signal for at least five seconds.
Slow down before you start to change lanes.
Assume there is enough space in the next lane for your vehicle, if you signal first.

2 . Children on bicycles should be given extra space by motor vehicle operators because:

They do not have the same physical reflexes as adults.
They are smaller and more difficult to see than adults.
Both of the above.

3 . Which of the following road surfaces freezes first?

A tunnel
An intersection
A bridge

4 . Which of the following is a dangerous habit when driving in work zones?

Tailgating another vehicle
Failing to carefully watch for workers and moving equipment
Both of the above

5 . You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. You should obey his or her instructions:

Only if you see orange cones on the road ahead.
Unless they conflict with existing signs, signals, or laws.
At all times.

6 . When entering the interstate, check for a gap in traffic in the nearest lane, adjust your speed to match traffic, signal, and:

Expect traffic to allow you to proceed into the lane, since you have the right-of-way.
Merge carefully into the gap.
Wait for the lane to clear before merging.

7 . Which of the following is most likely to be slippery in cold weather after snow or rain?

A hilly, open road
A residential road
A road in a shaded area

8 . When merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:

At or near the speed of the freeway traffic.
At the legal speed limit.
More slowly than the freeway traffic.

9 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Right turn on red light permitted with caution.
All traffic must turn right at next intersection.

10 . A curb painted red means:

Loading zone.
The area is reserved for picking up or dropping off passengers.
No parking, standing, or stopping.

11 . If you are being followed too closely on a two-lane road:

Reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Speed up to increase the distance between you and the other car.
Apply your brakes to slow down, then resume your original speed.

12 . This sign means:

Merge right.
Divided highway begins.
Lane ends.

13 . It is legal to drive with an alcoholic beverage container that has been opened only if the container is:

Under the front seat.
In the glove department.
In the trunk.

14 . If you have a green light but traffic is blocking the intersection, you should:

Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.
Enter the intersection and wait until traffic clears.
Merge into another lane and try to go around the traffic.

15 . You are driving on a one-way street. You may only turn left onto another one-way street if:

You increase your speed before the turn.
Traffic on the street moves to the right.
Traffic on the street moves to the left.

16 . To prevent yourself from becoming an aggressive driver:

Relax and concentrate on driving.
Drive above the posted speed limit.
Tailgate the driver in front of you.

17 . Which of the following is true about vehicles displaying a diamond-shaped sign that indicates a hazardous load?

They are not allowed to drive on freeways.
They must stop before crossing railroad tracks.
They are not allowed to exceed 35 mph.

18 . Stopping distances and the severity of collisions:

Decrease as a vehicle's speed increases.
Are not affected by a vehicle's speed.
Increase as a vehicle's speed increases.

19 . Backing your vehicle is:

Always dangerous.
Dangerous if you have a helper.
Only dangerous in large vehicles.

20 . When driving under snowy or icy conditions:

It is safe to use your cruise control.
Make speed and directional changes more gradually than you would otherwise.
Drive as you would under normal conditions.

21 . How many alcoholic drinks does it take to affect your driving ability?


22 . A driver should:

Stare directly in front of their car.
Only focus on the middle of the road.
Watch beside, ahead, and to the rear of their car.

23 . Abandoning an animal on the highway may result in:

Jail time.
A point against your license.
No legal consequences.

24 . This sign means:

Railroad ahead.
No passing zone.
School zone.
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25 . This sign means:

You are approaching the end of a divided highway.
You are approaching the beginning of a divided highway.
The road will be slippery ahead.

26 . A school bus is stopped ahead of you in your lane with its red lights flashing. You should:

Stop and proceed when you think all of the children have exited the bus.
Slow to 25 mph and pass cautiously.
Stop for as long as the red lights are flashing.

27 . If your vehicle starts to lose traction because of water on the road, you should:

Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction.
Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding.
Slow down gradually and not apply the brakes.

28 . When being followed by a tailgater, which of the following will help you avoid being hit from behind?

Merging into another lane
Decreasing your following distance
Changing lanes frequently

29 . A steady green traffic light at an intersection means:

Increase your speed.
Adjust your mirrors.
You may continue through the intersection at a safe and reasonable speed, if it is clear to do so.

30 . The safest precaution that you can take when using cellular phones while driving is:

To use hands-free devices so you can keep both hands on the steering wheel.
To keep your phone within easy reach so you won't need to take your eyes off the road.
To review the number before answering a call.

31 . It is dangerous to follow a motorcycle too closely because:

They do not follow the same rules as motor vehicles.
A motorcycle can stop much faster than a standard vehicle.
They brake more slowly than motor vehicles.

32 . If you encounter an aggressive driver, you should:

Challenge them.
Get out of their way.
Speed up.

33 . You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. You are driving in:

The carpool lane and must merge into the next lane.
A special lane for slow-moving vehicles.
An exit lane.

34 . U-turns in residential districts are legal:

On a one-way street on a green arrow.
When there are no vehicles approaching nearby.
Across sets of solid double yellow lines.

35 . Always use your seat belt:

Unless the vehicle was built before 1978.
Unless you are in a limousine.
When the vehicle is equipped with seat belts.

36 . The driver ahead of you stops at a crosswalk. What should you do?

Cautiously pass the vehicle at 10 mph or slower.
Stop, proceeding only when all the pedestrians have crossed.
Change lanes, look carefully, and pass the stopped vehicle.
Are you under 18 ?

Why ?

In California if you are under 18 years old , you need to answer 46 question on your DMV Test.

37 . Which child would require a child passenger restraint system?

A 9-year-old who is 4 feet 10 inches tall
A 10-year-old who is 5 feet 3 inches tall
A 7-year-old who is 4 feet 8 inches tall

38 . Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a:

Station wagon.
Passenger vehicle.

39 . What is a potential effect of taking a prescription drug while drinking alcohol?

There will likely be no effect.
It will make you more alert.
It can make you unfit to drive.

40 . Where is it safe to pass another vehicle?

Within an intersection where there are no oncoming vehicles
Wherever signs and/or pavement markings permit passing
Within a curve where there are no oncoming vehicles

41 . When stopping on snow or ice, drivers who are operating vehicles equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) should:

Pump the brakes.
Press and hold the brake pedal firmly.
Stay off the brakes and wait for the car to drift to a stop.

42 . A curb painted blue means parking is:

Allowed for no longer than 15 minutes.
Only allowed when picking up or dropping off passengers.
For disabled persons with a special placard or plate.

43 . This road sign means:

Watch for people crossing your path.
No passing zone.
Work zone ahead.

44 . This sign means:

Road construction/maintenance area.
Side road.
Railroad ahead.

45 . You may cross a double yellow line to pass another vehicle if the yellow line next to:

The other side of the road is a solid line.
Your side of the road is a broken line.
The other side of the road is a broken line.

46 . When double solid yellow lines separate lanes of traffic:

Passing is permitted from the left.
Passing is permitted from the right.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.