1 . In inclement weather, you should:

Steer off the road.
Drive in a low gear.
Steer and brake smoothly.

2 . Fatigue increases the risk of:

Missing an exit.
Being late for an appointment.
Falling asleep behind the wheel and crashing.

3 . To help avoid skidding on slippery surfaces, you should:

Shift to a lower gear after starting down a steep hill.
Speed up to enter curves and slow down to exit them.
Slow down before entering curves and intersections.

4 . When passing, you should move back into the right lane when:

You are one vehicle length ahead of the passed vehicle.
You can see both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.
You are 50 feet ahead of the passed vehicle.

5 . What message will be found on this yellow pennant-shaped sign?

Right turns only.
Right turns permitted.
No passing zone.

6 . You must show proof of insurance to law enforcement:

Only if you are involved in a collision.
If you are involved in a collision or stopped for a citation.
Only if you are stopped and cited.

7 . If you are involved in a traffic accident in California, you must file a report of the accident with the DMV when:

The collision causes $1,000 in damage.
You plan on being out of the state for more than 30 days.
You refinance the remaining balance of your vehicle loan.

8 . Slowing down just to look at collisions or anything else out-of-the-ordinary:

Causes traffic congestion.
Prevents rear-end collisions.
Improves traffic flow by preventing collisions.

9 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Buckle your safety belt.
Be sure all passengers have buckled their safety belts.
Both of the above.

10 . This road sign means:

Drive with caution and be ready to stop.
You must come to a complete stop.
Stop, if necessary.

11 . Your driving lane is next to a bicycle lane. You want to make a right turn at the upcoming intersection. You:

May not enter the bicycle lane to make your turn.
Should only merge into the bicycle lane if you stop before turning.
Must merge into the bicycle lane before making your turn.

12 . Three of the most important times to check for traffic behind you are before:

Backing, making a sharp turn, or crossing an intersection.
Backing, changing lanes, or slowing down quickly.
Changing lanes, crossing intersections, or slowing down quickly.

13 . When approaching an intersection that is controlled by a flashing red traffic signal, you must:

Come to a complete stop, yield to oncoming traffic or pedestrians, then proceed.
Reduce your speed and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop and remain stopped as long as the light is red.

14 . This symbol is used for:

Dangerous intersections.
Slow-moving vehicles.
Yield signs.

15 . At an uncontrolled intersection where you cannot see cross traffic until you are just about to enter the intersection, the speed limit is:

15 mph.
25 mph.
20 mph.

16 . A sign with this shape means:

No passing zone.
Right turn permitted on red.
Yield right-of-way.

17 . If there is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane, you should:

Make sure the pedestrian can see you before proceeding.
Cautiously drive around the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing.

18 . This road sign means:

Intersection ahead.
Steep grade ahead.
Winding road.

19 . Excessive speed:

Saves time so you can get to your destination more quickly.
Helps you maneuver around obstacles.
Increases the likelihood of serious bodily injury and death.

20 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.

21 . A steady yellow traffic signal light is a warning that the light is about to change to red. If you are already within the intersection when a green light changes to yellow, you should:

Continue moving and clear the intersection safely.
Increase your speed so as not to cause an accident.

22 . If you want to pass a pedestrian who is walking along the roadway and an oncoming vehicle is approaching, you should:

Slow down and let the oncoming vehicle pass before you pass the pedestrian.
Keep driving at a steady speed. The oncoming vehicle must stop for you.
Honk your horn to get the pedestrian to move over.

23 . A distraction when driving is:

Anything that causes evasive action while driving.
Anything that takes your attention away from driving.
Anything that causes you to pay more attention to driving.

24 . Prior to entering a curve:

Activate your turn signal.
Reduce your speed.
Brake hard.
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25 . This sign means:

Yield the right-of-way.
No passing zone.
Reduction in lanes.

26 . When you are behind a motorcycle, you should:

Be ready to use your horn.
Drive more slowly.
Allow a larger following distance.

27 . A solid yellow line on your side of the centerline means:

Reduce your speed.
Traffic light ahead.
Do not pass.

28 . It is against the law to enter an intersection when:

You can't get all the way across before the light turns red.
The light is flashing yellow and you didn't stop first.
The light is yellow and you cannot stop safely.

29 . You want to turn left at an upcoming corner. Yield the right-of-way to:

Oncoming vehicles also turning left.
All approaching vehicles.
Pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting for a "Walk" signal.

30 . This sign means:

Do not drink and drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.

31 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Ease up on the gas pedal.
Brake as hard as possible.
Turn off the ignition.

32 . A broken yellow line between two lanes of traffic means:

Both lanes of traffic are going in the same direction.
Passing is permitted when it's safe.
Passing is not permitted.

33 . This road sign means:

Road widens ahead.
Lane reduction. The right lane ends soon and traffic should merge left.
Highway entrance ramp ahead.

34 . What is the only effective way to remove alcohol from the body?

Drink strong coffee.
Take a cold shower.

35 . You are approaching a railroad crossing with no warning devices and are unable to see 400 feet down the tracks in one direction. The speed limit is:

15 mph.
20 mph.
25 mph.

36 . When driving in fog or mist, never put your headlights on the high beam setting because:

The light will reflect back into your eyes.
Approaching vehicles might not see you.
Vehicles behind you may follow too closely.
Are you under 18 ?

Why ?

In California if you are under 18 years old , you need to answer 46 question on your DMV Test.

37 . What does this road sign mean?

Winding road
Loose gravel
Slippery when wet

38 . U-turns in business districts are:

Always illegal because they are dangerous.
Legal whenever oncoming vehicles are not a hazard.
Legal at intersections, unless a sign prohibits them.

39 . When taking any medicine, you should:

Consult your doctor about the effects before driving.
Have someone follow you home.
Keep your window open and drive more slowly.

40 . What is the benefit of a space cushion around your vehicle?

Other drivers can cut in front of you, improving the flow of traffic.
If another driver makes a mistake, you have time to react.
It inflates to protect you from injury in the case of a collision.

41 . When using a roundabout, drivers should:

Stop in the middle of the roundabout.
Yield to traffic already in the roundabout.
Yield to entering traffic.

42 . You have been involved in a minor traffic collision with a parked vehicle and you can't find the owner. You must:

Leave a note on the vehicle.
Report the collision without delay to the city police or, in unincorporated areas, to the California Highway Patrol.
Both of the above.

43 . It is very foggy. You should slow down and:

Turn on your emergency flashers.
Turn your lights to their high beam setting.
Turn your lights to their low beam setting.

44 . When making a right turn from a highway with two lanes traveling in your direction, you may turn from:

The lane closest to the center of the road.
The lane nearest the curb or edge of the roadway.
Either lane, depending on oncoming traffic.

45 . When changing lanes:

Rely on the rearview mirror.
Look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.
Rely on the left side mirror.

46 . Before you enter an intersection, you should look to your:

Left, your right, then your left again.