1 . The trailer hand valve should not be used while you are driving because:

It will disconnect from the vehicle.
You will stop the vehicle too quickly.
It can cause a skid.

2 . To help prevent a rollover, cargo should be:

Placed as high as possible inside a trailer.
Placed as low as possible inside a trailer.
Placed on the driver’s side of a trailer.

3 . What is the Johnson bar?

A hand valve that works the trailer brakes
A valve that indicates the fuel level
A valve that measures the amount of liquid in the air brake system
A valve that allows for the release of excess pressure in the braking system

4 . When driving with trailers, you should:

Make quick, sudden changes.
Avoid making sudden moves.
Accelerate by pushing the accelerator to the floor.

5 . When backing a trailer, you must first turn the steering wheel:

In the direction you want the trailer to go.
In the direction opposite of where you want the trailer to go.
To the left.

6 . When traveling more slowly than 40 mph, maintain at least ____ of following distance per every 10 feet of your vehicle.

One second
Two seconds
Three seconds
Four seconds

7 . To control surge when stopping, you should not:

Keep a steady pressure on the brakes.
Brake well in advance of a stop.
Release the brakes too quickly.

8 . When lightly loaded, combination vehicles:

Should not be driven.
Have reduced braking capabilities.
Will not rollover.
Should be loaded with most of the weight in the rear of the trailer.

9 . If a trailer begins to skid, it is best for the driver to:

Release the brakes.
Quickly turn the steering wheel in one direction, then in the other.

10 . If a trailer begins to skid, the driver should:

Lock the brakes.
Release the brakes.
Steer in the opposite direction.

11 . In a vehicle equipped with an automatic tractor protection valve, the valve will pop out when:

Air pressure drops to a level between 20 and 45 psi.
You are experiencing a trailer jackknife.
Wheels have regained traction after a skid.
Air pressure is above 45 psi.
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12 . Trailers with low underneath clearance can present challenges when driving over:

Railroad tracks.

13 . If your trailer begins to drift off course while you are backing, you should:

Continue trying to back up without stopping.
Turn the top of your steering wheel in the direction of the drift.
Turn the top of the steering wheel in the direction opposite of the drift.
Return the steering wheel to the 12 o’clock position.

14 . If you need to back your trailer but cannot back up in a straight path, you should:

Back toward the passenger's side.
Back toward the driver's side.
Swerve back and forth while backing.
Always turn to your right.

15 . Bobtail tractors are ____ to stop than tractors attached to full semitrailers.

More difficult

16 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS):

Allows wheels to lock up.
Prevents wheels from locking up.
Makes it easier to turn a large vehicle.
Assists with the operation of brake lights.

17 . Before beginning a trip, you should:

Leave the service line valve open.
Remove the relay valves.
Close the emergency line valve.

18 . When should the trailer hand valve be used?

Only when the trailer is carrying a load
Only to test the trailer’s brakes
Only in inclement weather when the trailer may skid

19 . A combination vehicle has ____ air line(s).


20 . To lower the risk of a rollover, you should:

Load the cargo as far forward as possible.
Load the cargo as far back as possible.
Load the cargo as low as possible.
Stack the cargo as high as possible.