1 . A broken yellow centerline indicates that:

Passing is not permitted.
Passing on the right is permitted when the way ahead is clear.
Passing on the left is permitted when the way ahead is clear.

2 . When you see this yellow sign, you should:

Always stop at the crosswalk.
Stop at the crosswalk until a crossing guards signals for you to go.
Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk.

3 . Only ____ can lower blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and reduce alcohol's effects on a body.

Drinking caffeine
Eating foods high in fat

4 . This sign means:

Yield sign ahead.
Side road entering from left.
Stop sign ahead.

5 . If you are driving at a speed of 45 mph, your total stopping distance will likely be about:

100 feet.
124 feet.
215 feet.

6 . Prior to entering a curve:

Activate your turn signal.
Reduce your speed.
Brake hard.

7 . Arkansas law requires drivers to turn on their headlights when:

They are driving closely behind another vehicle.
Windshield wipers are in use.
They want to get somebody's attention.

8 . This road sign means:

School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Jogging trail.

9 . To enter a gap in highway traffic:

Watch only the vehicles behind the gap.
Check behind you, then watch the vehicle ahead.
Speed up and let the other vehicles make way.

10 . Which lane must you be in before making a left turn from a one-way street?

The lane nearest the left curb.
The lane nearest the center of the street.
The lane nearest the right curb.

11 . This white sign means:

The railroad crossing is controlled. Continue at your regular speed.
Look, listen, and prepare to stop at the crossing if necessary.
Stop at the railroad tracks and wait for a signal before crossing.

12 . If a truck or bus is making a right turn where you also need to make a right turn, you should:

Quickly turn before the truck or bus is able to.
Wait until the truck or bus turns before you turn.
Squeeze between the truck or bus and the curb.

13 . You should increase the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead when you:

Are following a small passenger vehicle.
Are being tailgated by another driver.
Are driving more slowly than the posted speed limit.
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14 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there is a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.

15 . Which of the following is a dangerous habit when driving in work zones?

Tailgating another vehicle
Failing to carefully watch for workers and moving equipment
Both of the above

16 . What message will be found on this yellow pennant-shaped sign?

Right turns only.
Right turns permitted.
No passing zone.

17 . Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?

They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.
Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rearview mirrors.

18 . The driver ahead of you stops at a crosswalk. What should you do?

Cautiously pass the vehicle at 10 mph or slower.
Stop, proceeding only when all the pedestrians have crossed.
Change lanes, look carefully, and pass the stopped vehicle.

19 . This road sign means:

Drive with caution and be ready to stop.
You must come to a complete stop.
Stop, if necessary.

20 . A driver under the age of 18 may use a cell phone while driving:

At any time.
If they are making an emergency call.
To send a text message.

21 . A sign with this shape means:

Railroad crossing.
Signal ahead.

22 . The maximum posted speed limit should be driven only:

During the night.
During the day.
Under ideal conditions.

23 . If your wheels drop off the roadway or pavement edge, you should:

Wait until it is safe to do so, then gradually re-enter the roadway.
Turn back onto the roadway immediately.

24 . If you are convicted of an alcohol violation and it is your first offense, you will be:

Fined up to $1,000.
Given a warning.
Enrolled in an alcohol abuse class.

25 . This is the shape and color of a ____ sign.

Wrong way