1 . You should drive on the shoulder to pass a car:

If the vehicle ahead of you is turning left.
Under no circumstances.
If the shoulder is wide enough.

2 . At a crosswalk:

You must yield to pedestrians.
Pedestrians must yield to you.
Construction workers must yield to you.

3 . Always stop before crossing railroad tracks when:

There isn't room on the other side for you to completely cross the tracks.
The railroad crossing is located in a city or town that has frequent train traffic.
You are transporting two or more young children in a passenger vehicle.

4 . You are on the freeway and traffic is merging into your lane. You should:

Make room for the merging traffic, if possible.
Assert your right-of-way by driving faster.
Always maintain your position.

5 . If a traffic signal light is green and a police officer signals for you to stop, you should:

Obey the officer.
Obey the traffic signal.
Do what the vehicle in front of you does.

6 . This white sign means you should not pass other vehicles:

Until after you pass the sign.
Unless it seems safe to do so.
For any reason.

7 . Large trucks are likely to lose speed when:

Driving up long or steep hills.
Driving in long, gradual curves.
Driving down long, gradual hills.

8 . If you want to pass a pedestrian who is walking along the roadway and an oncoming vehicle is approaching, you should:

Slow down and let the oncoming vehicle pass before you pass the pedestrian.
Keep driving at a steady speed. The oncoming vehicle must stop for you.
Honk your horn to get the pedestrian to move over.

9 . Stopping distances and severity of crashes:

Decrease as vehicle speed increases.
Are not affected by vehicle speed.
Increase as vehicle speed increases.

10 . Using a cell phone in a construction zone where workers are present is:

Legal if the driver is using voice-to-text technology.
A safe activity.

11 . When you want to change lanes, you should never:

Move into another lane while within an intersection.
Check your blind spot by looking over your shoulder.
Check for other drivers moving into the same lane.

12 . If you come to a railroad crossing with lowered gates and flashing warning lights, you should:

Drive around the crossing gates if you can't see a train.
Come to a complete stop well behind the gates, wait for the tracks to clear, and proceed once the gates are lifted.
Slow down and drive around the gates.

13 . What does this road sign mean?

Be ready to merge with traffic entering your lane.
Always stop.
Divided highway ahead.
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14 . This sign means:

Do not enter.
Yield the right-of-way.
Reserved parking for persons with disabilities.

15 . If you miss your exit on the freeway, you should not:

Continue on the freeway and find an alternate route to your destination.
Proceed to the next exit, leave the freeway, and return to your proper exit.
Back up on the road or shoulder.

16 . If you find yourself in a skid:

Brake lightly.
Stay off the brakes.
Brake abruptly.

17 . After you have passed a vehicle moving in the same direction, it is safe to move back into the right lane:

After about three seconds.
When you can no longer see the passed vehicle over your right shoulder.
When you can see the entire front of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.

18 . A pedestrian starts to cross the street after the "Don't Walk" signal begins to flash. The pedestrian is in the middle of the street when your signal light changes to green. You should:

Proceed if you have the right-of-way.
Proceed if the pedestrian is not in your lane.
Wait until the pedestrian crosses the street before proceeding.

19 . When preparing to make a left turn from a two-way street, you should drive:

Near the right-hand side of the road.
Near the centerline.
On the left of the centerline.

20 . At dawn or dusk and in rain or snow, it can be hard to see and be seen. A good way to let other drivers know you are there is to turn:

Up the instrumental panel lights.
On your parking lights.
On your headlights.

21 . When passing another car, you have enough space to return to the driving lane:

If the other driver signals for you to re-enter the lane.
If you look over your shoulder and see the passed car behind you.
If you can see both of the passed vehicle's headlights in your rearview mirror.

22 . Using a cell phone in a school zone where students are present is:

Legal if the driver is using voice-to-text technology.
A safe activity.

23 . When you are behind a motorcycle, you should:

Be ready to use your horn.
Drive more slowly.
Allow a larger following distance.

24 . If your car becomes disabled while on the highway, you should:

Stop in the right lane.
Park with all four wheels off the traveled highway, if possible.
Stop where you are.

25 . To know where traffic is behind you:

Frequently check your rearview mirror.
Turn and look out your back window.
Keep other vehicles out of your blind spots.