1 . What is the best lane position for a motorcycle?

The left position
The center position
The right position
There is no single best lane position.

2 . When looking for a protective jacket or pair of pants, you should look for:

Items made of leather.
Items made of polyester.
Items made of light materials.
Items that are darkly-colored.

3 . You’ll have a better chance of avoiding serious injury if you wear all of the following, except:

A DOT-approved helmet.
Face or eye protection.
Ear buds.
Protective clothing.

4 . If you must swerve, you should:

Shift your weight quickly.
Turn your handlebars quickly.
Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.
Press the handgrip in the opposite direction of the turn.

5 . When a lead rider is extending their left arm and pointing downward, it means:

Speed up.
Pull over.
Hazard in the roadway.
Slow down.

6 . An approved helmet:

Allows the wearer to see as far to the sides as necessary.
Restricts the field of vision.
Is usually uncomfortable.
Does not have any markings or tags.

7 . When a lead rider extends their left arm straight out with their palm facing up before swinging their arm upward, it means:

Speed up.
Pull over.
Hazard in the roadway.
Slow down.

8 . Your lane position should help you:

Communicate your intentions to other drivers.
Keep others from passing you.
Travel to your destination as quickly as possible.
Linger in the blind spots of other drivers.

9 . When riding in curves, turning, or entering a highway, the best group formation is:


10 . If you cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you, your following distance should be a minimum of:

Three seconds.
Two seconds.
One second.
Ten seconds.

11 . If drinking alcohol, you should:

Decide if you are still fit to ride based on how you feel after you finish drinking.
Set a limit beforehand so you can still safely ride.
Not ride.
Not be concerned about your riding abilities if you feel fine.

12 . Riders who do not wear helmets while riding are ________ to die in a crash than riders who do wear helmets.

Half as likely
Twice as likely
Three times as likely
Just as likely

13 . A motorcycle needs:

Less frequent attention than a car.
More frequent attention than a car.
To have pre-ride checks performed only by a mechanic.
To be serviced only at a dealer.

14 . If you see this sign, you:

Must not pass another vehicle.
May pass a slow-moving vehicle if you can do so quickly.
May pass if you know the road ahead.
May pass, but only at night.

15 . If you are using an unfamiliar motorcycle, what should you do before riding?

Ride like you would on your bike, since all bikes are about the same.
Check the controls and shift pattern.
Take the owner’s word that everything is in working order.
Assume you know where all the controls are located.

16 . When riding a three-wheeled motorcycle, you should stay in:

The left side of the lane.
The right side of the lane.
The center portion of the lane.
Whichever portion of the lane you want.
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17 . A person with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _____ is considered legally intoxicated.

0.08 percent
0.04 percent
0.1 percent
0.15 percent

18 . When a lead rider's left arm is bent at the elbow with their index and middle fingers pointing straight up, it means:

Slow down.
Double-file formation.
Single-file formation.
Speed up.

19 . Motorcycle riders should choose footwear with soles that:

Are made of hard, durable, slip-resistant material.
Allow their feet to breathe.
Have tall heels.
Are made of soft, flimsy material.

20 . You should ride with your headlight on:

Only at night.
Only at night and in the rain.
At all times.
Under no circumstances.

21 . Once a motorcycle helmet has been involved in a crash, it should be:

Inspected closely.
Sold to another rider.
Outfitted with a new chinstrap.

22 . If you must brake and swerve to avoid a hazard, you should:

Do one, then the other.
Do both at the same time.
Always apply the brakes first, then swerve.
Try instead to use only the brakes.

23 . This sign means:

Narrow bridge ahead.
Lane ends or roadway narrows ahead.
Industrial area.
Freeway on-ramp ahead.

24 . Where is the greatest potential for conflict between a motorcycle and other traffic?

Parking lots
Residential areas

25 . If operating a three-wheeled motorcycle or riding with a sidecar, do not ride too far to the right of your lane because:

Other drivers may not see you.
You will not be able to pass other vehicles as easily.
Other drivers may try to share your lane.
You may run off the road.

26 . Where should a load be placed?

As low as possible
As high as possible
Behind the rear axle
On one side of the motorcycle

27 . This sign means:

You must drive slowly and sound your horn.
A bus stop is ahead.
You are entering a school's parking lot.
A school zone is ahead.

28 . When a lead rider is bending their left arm at the elbow, pointing upward, and swinging their arm toward their helmet, it means:

Speed up.
Pull over.
Hazard in the roadway.
Slow down.

29 . When riding with a passenger, you may need to adjust:

The brakes.
The brake light.
The fluid levels.
The suspension.

30 . Where is the gearshift lever located?

In front of the left footrest
In front of the right footrest
On the left handgrip
On the right handgrip