1 . When riding with a passenger, you should:

Assume the passenger has traveled by motorcycle before.
Not assume the passenger has traveled by motorcycle before and explain the process.
Not let them ask questions.
Not bother with explaining anything since they are only a passenger and not in control of the motorcycle.

2 . When approaching an uneven surface, such as a bump or pothole, you should rise slightly off of your seat:

So you can jump off the motorcycle if you need to.
So your legs can absorb the shock.
So other drivers can see you better.
So you can get a better view of the uneven surface.

3 . If you must ride over an obstacle, you should:

Decrease your speed as much as possible.
Lean the motorcycle to one side.
Speed up, if possible.
Stay on your seat and remove your feet from the footrests.

4 . When traveling on a motorcycle with a sidecar, the passenger should ride:

On the motorcycle seat.
In the sidecar.
Either on the motorcycle or in the sidecar.
Neither on the motorcycle or in the sidecar.

5 . When stopped behind another vehicle, you should:

Get as close as possible to the vehicle.
Maintain a space cushion between your motorcycle and the other vehicle.
Not use your rearview mirrors to monitor traffic behind you.
Look for opportunities to squeeze through the stopped traffic.

6 . An engine will seize due to:

A lack of fuel.
A lack of oil.
A lack of coolant.
Improper tire inflation.

7 . When passing another driver, you should:

Move out of their blind spot as quickly as possible.
Linger in their blind spot.
Decelerate in the passing lane.
Not worry about your own blind spot.

8 . Where is the rear brake pedal usually located?

On the left handgrip
On the right handgrip
Near the left footrest
Near the right footrest

9 . Before starting out, your fuel valve should be:


10 . When you are being passed by a vehicle on your left, you should:

Help the other driver by moving as far to the right as possible.
Help the other driver by moving to the shoulder.
Ride in the center portion of your lane.
Ride in the left portion of your lane

11 . When being passed from behind, you should:

Try to move onto the shoulder.
Use the left portion of your lane.
Use the center portion of your lane.
Use the right portion of your lane.

12 . This road sign means:

Road construction ahead.
The road ahead curves left, then right.
The road ahead curves right, then left.
Steep grade ahead.

13 . Since most crashes happen during daylight hours, you should:

Not ride during the day.
Wear bright clothing all the time.
Ride on the shoulder and stay out of traffic.
Wear dark clothing all the time.

14 . In which of the following situations should you increase your following distance?

Traffic is light.
Traffic is heavy.
You are able to see the roadway through vehicles in front of you.
There is pleasant and clear weather.

15 . What could happen if a motorcyclist takes a turn too fast?

They may end up in another lane.
They may leave the road.
They may brake too hard and skid.
All of the above.

16 . When braking, you should:

First apply the front brake, then the rear.
First apply the rear brake, then the front.
Use both brakes at the same time.
Use brakes in any order.
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17 . When should your rearview mirror be adjusted?

After starting the motorcycle
Before starting the motorcycle
During the ride
At a traffic signal

18 . Most crashes occur during the day. To lessen the chance of being involved in a crash, you should:

Wear darkly-colored clothing.
Wear brightly-colored clothing.
Not ride during the day.
Look for safer routes.

19 . If you think stopping your motorcycle will take longer than usual, you should:

Lengthen your following distance.
Shorten your following distance.
Leave the road.
Speed up.

20 . Which of the following is not a good way for a rider to increase their visibility?

Wearing proper clothing
Using their headlight at all times
Using their turn signals
Waving at other drivers

21 . Under ideal conditions, a motorcyclist should maintain a minimum following distance of:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Four seconds.

22 . In addition to hazardous road conditions, riders should search for:

Traffic approaching from behind.
Oncoming traffic that could turn left in front of them.
Traffic entering from side roads to the left and right.
All of the above.

23 . Small vehicles can appear ______ and seem to be traveling ______ than they actually are.

Farther away, more slowly
Farther away, faster
Closer, more slowly
Closer, faster

24 . The proper clothing for riding a motorcycle should:

Cover your arms and legs completely.
Cover your arms completely, but leave your legs exposed.
Cover your legs completely, but leave your arms exposed.
Be whatever makes you most comfortable, regardless of safety.

25 . Maintaining a space cushion between your motorcycle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps traffic flowing at a steady pace.
Keeps other drivers alert.

26 . If used legally, operating while under the influence of marijuana is:

Legal, but not recommended.

27 . If you find yourself riding alongside another vehicle, you should:

Speed up or slow down.
Wave at the other driver.
Stay alongside the vehicle until the next exit and then exit.
Let the other driver worry about it.

28 . When riding in traffic, it is important to remember that motorcycles:

Are too small to have blind spots.
Have blind spots that are too small to cause any problems.
Have blind spots that require head checks.
Have only one blind spot.

29 . If you lock the rear tire on a good traction surface, you should:

Release and re-apply the rear brake.
Keep it locked until you completely stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.
Release the rear brake and use both brakes to stop.

30 . To stop quickly, you should:

Use only the rear brake.
Use only the front brake.
Use both brakes.
Use the rear brake firmly while gradually increasing the braking pressure of the front brake.