1 . An alcohol evaporator is especially important:

In cold weather.
In hot weather.
In dry weather.

2 . Manual air tank drains should be:

Opened to drain the tanks after each day.
Left open while driving.
Sealed with glue.

3 . One way to prevent fatigue on long trips is to:

Take frequent breaks.
Text while driving.
Drink caffeine.

4 . Foundation brakes are used:

Only on the front wheels of a vehicle.
Only on the rear wheels of a vehicle.
On each wheel of a vehicle.

5 . When an engine is running, an acceptable oil pressure would be:

10 psi.
50 psi.
110 psi.

6 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS):

Is not available for vehicles with air brakes.
Is not helpful in most driving situations.
Can help you maintain control when braking.

7 . On low bridges:

Height warnings must always be posted.
Height warnings must be posted at least twice.
Height warnings may be posted, but do not have to be.

8 . To prevent a trailer from rolling over while turning, you should:

Decelerate before the turn.
Accelerate before the turn.
Drive in the left lane.

9 . Exhaust system parts should:

Rub against the fuel system.
Rub against tires.
Not leak.

10 . Traction is important in:

Safe braking.
Properly using turn signals.
Operating the horn.

11 . If a worker is present in a work zone, you should:

Continue driving at the posted speed limit.
Slow to a speed under the posted speed limit.
Drive in the grass.
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12 . Alcohol begins to affect the body:

After only one drink.
After several drinks have been consumed.
At the legal limit.

13 . If you are backing and become unsure about your path of travel, you should:

Continue backing.
Stop and get out to look.
Continue backing, but more slowly than before.

14 . To make your vehicle more visible during the day, you should:

Use your low beam headlights.
Use your high beam headlights.
Use your clearance lights.

15 . The faster you drive:

The shorter your stopping distance will be.
The longer your stopping distance will be.
The easier it will be to stop your vehicle.

16 . If there is ice on the front of your side mirror:

You should exit the roadway.
You can expect ice to be on the roadway.
There will not be ice on the roadway.

17 . What does the air compressor governor do?

It stops the compressor from pumping air.
It turns on the air compressor.
It stores the compressed air.

18 . Landing gear should be ____ during uncoupling.

Partially lowered
Fully raised
Firmly on the ground

19 . Texting while operating a CMV is:

Acceptable on rural roads.
Acceptable for drivers contacting their employers.

20 . Vehicles driving behind a truck:

May have difficulty seeing objects in front of the truck.
Often have a great view of the roadway in front of them.
Do not need to signal.