1 . Streets and highways are most slippery:

When it has been raining hard for several hours.
When they are clean and dry.
Just after it starts to rain.

2 . Which of the following blocks the smooth flow of traffic?

Slowing down to look at collision scene.
Avoiding unnecessary lane changes.
Using public transportation instead of your vehicle.

3 . In inclement weather, you should:

Steer off the road.
Drive in a low gear.
Steer and brake smoothly.

4 . Before returning to your original lane after passing another vehicle, you should:

Beep your horn.
See both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.
Flash your headlights.

5 . When entering the interstate on a short entrance ramp where there is no acceleration lane, you should:

Immediately enter the far-right traffic lane on the interstate and speed up to match the flow of traffic.
Use the shoulder of the main road to get up to the speed of traffic.
Speed up and enter the interstate only after you have identified a gap in traffic.

6 . The proper way to make a right turn is to:

Signal, slow down, and get into the lane closest to the centerline before turning.
Signal, slow down, and get into the lane closest to the right curb before turning.
Approach the corner in the lane nearest the right curb, but move over toward the middle of the street before turning.

7 . If you have had several beers, the effects of alcohol will be reduced only by:

Taking a cold shower.
Waiting several hours.
Drinking several cups of coffee.

8 . "No zones" are areas around trucks where cars:

Disappear into blind spots or are so close that they restrict the truck driver's ability to stop and maneuver safely.
Have sufficient space to travel behind the truck.
Have several car lengths between their vehicle and the truck.

9 . A distraction when driving is:

Anything that causes evasive action while driving.
Anything that takes your attention away from driving.
Anything that causes you to pay more attention to driving.

10 . Various traffic control devices in construction and maintenance work areas are the color:


11 . When changing lanes:

Rely on the rearview mirror.
Look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.
Rely on the left side mirror.

12 . Motorcycles, scooters, and mopeds are not easy to see; therefore, you should:

Slow down when driving.
Make constant visual checks.
Share a lane with a motorcycle.

13 . If bad weather makes it difficult for you to see clearly, you should:

Speed up to get off the road quickly.
Drive in the lane closest to oncoming traffic.
Increase your following distance.

14 . What is the only medically proven method of removing alcohol or other drug combinations from your system?

Breathe in some fresh air.
Give your body time.
Drink coffee.

15 . Fatigue increases the risk of:

Missing an exit.
Being late for an appointment.
Falling asleep behind the wheel and crashing.

16 . While driving at night, a vehicle coming toward you has its high beams on, making it hard for you to see the road ahead. You should:

Look ahead toward the left edge of your lane.
Look ahead toward the right edge of your lane.
Look straight ahead in your lane.
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17 . Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications?

Most cold medications can make a person drowsy.
Over-the-counter medications cannot impair driving ability if taken in the recommended dosages.
Medications are safe to take at any time, if prescribed by a doctor.

18 . Prior to entering a curve:

Activate your turn signal.
Reduce your speed.
Brake hard.

19 . Interstate driving requires drivers to:

Have the ability to safely drive at increased speeds.
Be constantly alert.
Both of the above.

20 . Yellow lines separate:

Traffic lanes on one-way streets.
Traffic moving in opposite directions on two-way roads.
All carpool lanes from regular traffic lanes.

21 . To be able to turn quickly, your hands must be:

On opposite sides of the steering wheel.
Next to each other on the top of the steering wheel.
On the top and bottom of the steering wheel.

22 . You should use your horn when:

Another vehicle is in your way.
It may help prevent a collision.
Another driver makes a mistake.

23 . When approaching an intersection controlled by a flashing yellow light, you must:

Come to a complete stop at the intersection.
Maintain your normal speed.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

24 . When driving in fog or mist, never put your headlights on the high beam setting because:

The light will reflect back into your eyes.
Approaching vehicles might not see you.
Vehicles behind you may follow too closely.

25 . To prevent yourself from becoming an aggressive driver:

Relax and concentrate on driving.
Drive above the posted speed limit.
Tailgate the driver in front of you.

26 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.

27 . The amount of alcohol in the blood is referred to as:

Implied consent (IC).
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
Rate of alcohol consumption (RAC).

28 . A solid yellow arrow on a traffic signal means:

You should speed up so you can make the turn before the light changes.
You do not need to signal to turn from the indicated lane.
You should prepare to stop and yield the right-of-way to oncoming traffic.

29 . Highway pavement will be particularly treacherous and most slippery:

If it has been raining several hours.
If it has just begun to rain.
If it has been raining for one to two hours.

30 . At an intersection with stop signs on all corners, yield the right-of-way to any driver:

On your left.
Who arrived before you.
Across from your vehicle.