1 . This sign means:

Upcoming change in direction.

2 . Will a DOT-compliant helmet limit a motorcyclist's view of the road?

Yes, a helmet dramatically reduces a rider's view to the sides.
It depends. Some DOT-compliant helmets limit a rider's view.
No. A DOT-compliant helmet will never limit a rider's view to the sides.

3 . A rider's boots or shoes should:

Be below their ankles.
Cover their ankles.
Be made of a soft, pliable material.

4 . When a lead rider's left arm is bent at the elbow with their index finger pointing straight up, it means:

Slow down.
Double-file formation.
Single-file formation.

5 . This road sign means:

Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic.
Steep hill ahead.

6 . When passing parked vehicles, motorcycle riders should be especially cautious of:

Cars leaving their parking spaces.
Motorists looking for a place to park.

7 . While in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is:

Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're not driving.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're driving but not drunk.

8 . When braking on a trike, you should know that:

The front wheel will have the most braking power.
The rear wheels will have the most braking power.
The wheels will all have the same amount of braking power.

9 . Verify that your headlight and taillight are in working order:

Once a month.
Once a week.
Before every ride.

10 . When wearing a jacket for protection, the jacket should:

Be loose-fitting and flap in the wind while riding.
Fit snugly.
Be uncomfortable.

11 . When you are being passed on the left, you should:

Speed up.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Ride in the center portion of the lane.

12 . Which material provides the best protection in the case of a crash?

Leather or synthetic materials

13 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Avoid making sudden moves, as doing so could cause a skid.
Travel on the shoulder to be out of the way of traffic.
Use only the rear brake because the front brake is ineffective on slippery surfaces.

14 . When riding through a curve, you should:

Always ride in the right portion of the lane.
Always ride in the left portion of the lane.
Be flexible about your lane position.

15 . Which of the following is not recommended as protective apparel for motorcycle users?

Long pants
A baseball cap

16 . If you must brake and swerve to avoid danger, you should:

Use only the front brake while swerving.
Brake and swerve at the same time.
Either brake then swerve or swerve then brake.
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17 . Which of the following colors should you wear to increase your visibility when riding during the day?

Dark blue

18 . Under ideal conditions, a motorcyclist should maintain a minimum following distance of:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.

19 . Riding directly alongside another vehicle is:

Safe because you are in a separate lane.
Recommended because it blocks the wind.
Not recommended because you may be in the driver's blind spot.

20 . If your motorcycle starts to wobble, you should:

Gradually brake.
Grip the handlebars firmly and close the throttle gradually.

21 . What should be your first consideration when buying a motorcycle helmet?


22 . Wearing which of the following colors will make you less visible to other motorists?


23 . Rearview mirrors:

Should not be used often.
Should only be used at night.
Should be checked regularly.

24 . Before every ride, you should:

Modify the exhaust system.
Clean and adjust your mirrors.
Clean your wheels.

25 . When traveling at night, you should:

Ride as fast as you would if riding during the day.
Ride more slowly than you would if riding during the day.
Ride faster than you would if riding during the day.

26 . If you began a curve on the outside and no traffic is present when you are exiting the curve, you should move:

Toward the center of the curve.
Toward the inside of the curve.
Toward the outside of the curve.

27 . Riding on ______ may provide poor traction.

Pavement markings
Dry pavement
The roadway under a bridge

28 . __________ can be a cause of collisions involving motorcycles.

Inappropriately sounding a horn
Communicating with other drivers

29 . If no traffic is present when you are taking a curve on a three-wheeled motorcycle, it is a good idea to start:

On the outside of the curve.
On the inside of the curve.
Near the edge of the curve.

30 . Which of the following materials provides the best protection for motorcycle riders?
