1 . If you have an engine fire, you should:

Open the hood as soon as possible.
Turn off the engine as soon as possible.
Not use a fire extinguisher.

2 . To use the controlled braking method, you should:

Lock your wheels while braking.
Apply your brakes as firmly as possible without locking the wheels.
Slightly tap the brakes.

3 . A driver can rely on front wheel braking to work:

On dry roadways only.
Under all conditions.
Under all conditions, except for snow.

4 . A cargo of hanging meat:

Is stable due to the placement of the load.
Can be problematic because animals may be attracted to the scent of the meat.
Is unstable due to its high center of gravity.
Is discouraged during the summer months.

5 . If your brakes fail when traveling downhill, decide what to do as quickly as possible because:

The longer you wait, the faster your vehicle will go.
The longer you wait, the more vehicles will get out of your way.
The longer you wait, the slower your vehicle will go.

6 . When inspecting the windshield before a trip, a person should do all the following, except:

Remove and sharpen the wiper blades.
Check the windshield wipers for proper spring tension.
Check the wiper blades for damage.

7 . What can happen if the air pressure gets too low in an air brake system?

The brakes may squeak.
The brakes may stop working.
The brakes may be sluggish.

8 . A commercial motor vehicle driver:

May use any cell phone while driving.
May only use a hands-free cell phone while driving, if permitted.
May only use a cell phone while driving on rural roads.

9 . The two indicators that determine when you should upshift are:

Engine speed and road speed.
Other trucks and road conditions.
Timing and road position.
Oil pressure and air brake pressure.

10 . An after-trip inspection should be done:

Once a week.
Once a month.
After every trip.

11 . During an applied leakage test, the maximum leakage rate for a single vehicle with air brakes is:

3 psi in one minute.
6 psi in one minute.
8 psi in one minute.
4 psi in one minute.

12 . When pulled over to the side of the road, you should:

Rely on your taillights to alert other motorists to your presence.
Not worry about other motorists.
Use your four-way emergency flashers to alert other motorists to your presence.

13 . If there are no warning gates or lights at a railroad crossing, you should:

Not worry because the tracks are likely abandoned.
Park your vehicle and walk up to the tracks to determine if a train is approaching.
Look down the tracks in both directions to ensure that no trains are approaching.
Do whatever surrounding vehicles are doing.

14 . When driving under wet conditions, a lack of spray coming from the tires of other vehicles indicates that:

Ice has formed on the road.
The pavement is dry.
The spray is caught on the underside of the vehicle.

15 . If the spring brakes are activated, you should never:

Push down the brake pedal.
Open the hood.
Release air from the air storage tanks.
Open the door to the cab.

16 . Before a vehicle with dual air brakes is driven, pressure of at least ____ should be built up in both braking systems.

10 psi
25 psi
50 psi
100 psi

17 . When driving through fog, a driver should:

Use high beam headlights.
Use low beam headlights.
Run the windshield wipers.
Drive on the shoulder.

18 . When driving at night, you should do all of the following, except:

Make sure you are rested.
Make sure your glasses are clean.
Wear sunglasses.

19 . During a static leakage test, the maximum leakage rate for a single vehicle with air brakes is ____ in one minute.

1 psi
2 psi
3 psi
4 psi

20 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine

21 . ____ is an example of required emergency equipment.

A spare electrical fuse
A loud horn
A battery-operated flashlight

22 . During a trip, gauges are:

Often misleading.
The only way a driver can learn of potential trouble with the vehicle.
A way to learn of potential trouble with the vehicle.

23 . If approaching a vehicle with a distracted driver, you should:

Quickly pass the vehicle.
Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle.
Closely follow the vehicle.

24 . The best way to avoid glare at night from oncoming vehicles is to:

Wear sunglasses.
Close your eyes as vehicles approach.
Look to the right side of road.
Use your high beams.

25 . Poor weight balance:

Improves a vehicle's handling.
Makes handling a vehicle more difficult.
Increases a driver’s ability to steer.
Makes a vehicle easier to stop.

26 . If your brakes fail on a downgrade, your best hope to stop is to:

Use an escape ramp.
Use the shoulder.
Drift to a stop.
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27 . If you are being tailgated while driving a large vehicle, do all of the following, except:

Reduce your speed gradually.
Increase your following distance.
Increase your speed.

28 . Move over laws require:

Trucks to use the left lane.
All vehicles to vacate the lane closest to an emergency vehicle that is stopped with its lights flashing.
All vehicles to use the left lane.
All vehicles to move to the left lane if a flatbed trailer is in the right lane.

29 . When changing lanes, you should not:

Use your turn signal.
Check your mirrors.
Use your cell phone.

30 . If you doubt that you have enough space to safely drive under a bridge or sign, you should:

Drive faster.
Drive more slowly.
Drive on the shoulder.

31 . Which of the following is a good rule to follow when making a turn?

Honk your horn.
Use your arms to get the attention of other drivers.
Turn off your turn signal before entering the turn to avoid confusing other drivers.
Signal early.

32 . Pressing and releasing a brake pedal unnecessarily can:

Release air faster than it can be replaced.
Add more air to the braking system.
Make the brake pedal more sensitive.
Create a loud noise.

33 . The Individual Vehicle Distance Record (IVDR) does not need to include which of the following?

Trip origin
Vehicle Identification Number
Number of meals eaten by the driver

34 . A driver should always:

Stay in the right lane.
Have an emergency plan.
Stay in the left lane.
Drive faster than the posted speed limit.

35 . Having ABS on only one axle:

Can be dangerous.
Still allows you additional control when braking.
Slows the vehicle, but cannot stop it.

36 . While driving a CMV:

You may hold a cell phone to receive a call.
You may send text messages.
You may not hold a cell phone to make a call.

37 . When you are about to start down a hill, you should switch into a ____ gear.


38 . If a truck is equipped, a trailer brake hand valve can be used to:

Add fuel to the truck.
Prevent the truck from rolling back when being started from a stop.
Check the engine oil level.

39 . Which of the following is not an example of a driving hazard?

An accident on the roadway
An open road
A police car assisting a motorist on the side of the road
An ice cream truck

40 . In a dual air brake system, air pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi within ____ seconds.


41 . Air pressure should build up in a single air system within:

15 minutes.
12 minutes.
Three minutes.

42 . If the safety relief valve in the air brake system releases air:

The compressor needs more air.
The air pressure has become too high.
The brakes are fully operational.

43 . Which type of brakes do most heavy-duty vehicles have?

Air brakes
Solid brakes
Liquid brakes
Gravity brakes

44 . Which of the following is not an example of a driver who might be a hazard?

A driver operating a vehicle without first scraping ice off the windshield
The operator of a rental truck
The driver of a station wagon with items covering the back windows
A person operating a pick-up truck

45 . Which of the following is not a type of distraction?


46 . On a slippery road, a driver should:

Make turns as quickly as possible.
Refrain from passing slower vehicles.
Stop quickly.

47 . When preparing to enter traffic, you should do all of the following, except:

Wait for a large gap between vehicles.
Be prepared for your vehicle to accelerate slowly, especially if it is loaded.
Make sure you can completely cross traffic, if necessary, without interfering with traffic.
Assume other drivers will make room for your much larger vehicle.

48 . A stopped bus:

Is not a cause for concern since it is stopped.
Is only a concern if passengers are exiting the bus.
Is a concern whether or not passengers are visible.

49 . A cardboard box on the roadway:

Should be expected to be on the roadway.
Is usually empty and harmless.
Could contain a heavy object that could damage vehicles.

50 . Your vehicle's final position should be:

Exactly where the examiner has instructed it to be.
Within five feet of the final position described by the examiner.
Wherever you can safely park.
Within two feet of the final position described by the examiner.