1 . Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a:

Station wagon.
Passenger vehicle.

2 . If you come to an intersection controlled by a flashing yellow light, you must:

Wait for the green light before proceeding.
Slow down and cross the intersection carefully.
Stop before crossing the intersection.

3 . While in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is:

Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're not driving.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're driving but not drunk.

4 . Various traffic control devices in construction and maintenance work areas are the color:


5 . Driving more slowly than surrounding traffic is:

A good idea if the weather is bad.
Appropriate if you don’t know the speed limit.
Often a hazard because other drivers may become frustrated and try to pass you.

6 . If you are driving and a tire suddenly goes flat, you should:

Rapidly pump the brake pedal several times.
Slow down gradually and not brake.
Press down on the brake pedal as hard as you can.

7 . Blue traffic signs offer information on:

Motorist services.
Construction and maintenance.
Mileage information, such as distances to specific locations.

8 . Which of the following statements is correct?

Use your left foot to brake.
Use your right foot for both braking and accelerating your vehicle.
You should always brake abruptly to ensure stopping.

9 . This sign means:

Merge right.
Divided highway begins.
Lane ends.

10 . Increase your following distance when driving behind a large vehicle:

To better see around the sides of the vehicle.
Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them.
Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream.

11 . When you see this sign, you:

Are approaching a railroad crossing and should prepare to stop.
Will always stop at the upcoming railroad crossing.
Should stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks.

12 . If there is a deep puddle on the road ahead, you should:

Maintain the posted speed to make it through the water.
Avoid the puddle if possible.
Shift into neutral as you drive through the water.

13 . When entering the interstate on a short entrance ramp where there is no acceleration lane, you should:

Immediately enter the far-right traffic lane on the interstate and speed up to match the flow of traffic.
Use the shoulder of the main road to get up to the speed of traffic.
Speed up and enter the interstate only after you have identified a gap in traffic.

14 . Which of the following is not a safe driving practice when driving on the interstate?

Slower traffic must keep to the right.
Change lanes without signaling.
If you miss your exit, you must go to the next exit.

15 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Buckle your safety belt.
Be sure all passengers have buckled their safety belts.
Both of the above.

16 . You want to turn left at an upcoming corner. Yield the right-of-way to:

Oncoming vehicles also turning left.
All approaching vehicles.
Pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting for a "Walk" signal.

17 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield to trains.

18 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.

19 . To improve visibility lowered by rain or fog, drivers should use their:

Low beam headlights.
High beam headlights.
Parking lights.

20 . Fatigue increases the risk of:

Missing an exit.
Being late for an appointment.
Falling asleep behind the wheel and crashing.

21 . When taking any medicine, you should:

Consult your doctor about the effects before driving.
Have someone follow you home.
Keep your window open and drive more slowly.
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22 . You should not make sudden stops in front of large trucks and buses because:

Small vehicle drivers cannot adequately see large trucks and buses in their rearview mirrors.
Large trucks and buses, due to their size and weight, require longer distances to stop than smaller passenger vehicles.
Large trucks and buses travel at a higher speeds than small vehicles.

23 . Before you enter an intersection, you should look to your:

Left, your right, then your left again.

24 . This sign means:

Do not enter.
Yield the right-of-way.
Reserved parking for persons with disabilities.

25 . A solid yellow line next to a broken yellow line means that vehicles:

Driving in both directions may pass.
Next to the broken line may pass.
Next to the solid line may pass.

26 . You should allow an extra cushion of space:

When following a station wagon.
When following a driver who cannot see the rear of their vehicle.
When following a small passenger car.

27 . If your vehicle has a two-part safety belt system, you should:

Use only the lap belt.
Use both the lap and shoulder belts.
Use only the shoulder belt.

28 . Remove all snow, frost, and ice from:

Just the windshield.
All windows.
Just the windshield and passenger window.

29 . This road sign means:

Do not enter.
Roundabout ahead.
No U-turns.

30 . If you must park your vehicle in an area not usually used for parking:

Park with your reverse lights on.
Make sure your vehicle is visible to drivers approaching from any direction.
Park five feet from the curb.

31 . Signs with orange backgrounds are:

General warning signs.
Construction and maintenance warning signs.
Regulatory signs.

32 . What is the purpose of rumble strips?

They alert drivers to potential tire problems.
They test a vehicle's shock absorbers.
Through vibration and sound, they alert inattentive drivers to the fact that their vehicles have left the travel lane.

33 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds in a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.

34 . Which of the following are factors commonly contributing to traffic crashes?

Exceeding the posted speed limit and driving too fast for conditions or circumstances.
Getting adequate rest and staying alert.
Scanning the environment and staying focused on the driving task.

35 . This sign means:

Stop sign ahead.
Railroad crossing ahead.
Construction ahead.

36 . The center of the roadway is marked with one solid yellow line and one broken yellow line. If the broken yellow line is directly next to your traffic lane, it means:

You are not allowed to pass in this area.
You are in a passing zone and it is safe for you to pass other vehicles on the left if no oncoming traffic is present.
You are only allowed to make right turns in this area.

37 . A vehicle suddenly cuts in front of you, creating a hazard. What should you do first?

Honk and step on the brake firmly.
Take your foot off the gas pedal.
Swerve into the lane next to you.

38 . When driving on a slippery surface, such as snow or ice:

Shift to a low gear before going down steep hills.
Maintain traction by following other vehicles closely.
Pump your brakes to keep them from freezing.

39 . Motorcycles are entitled to:

The same full lane width as other motor vehicles.
The width of the sidewalk.
One-half of the width of a lane.

40 . What does this road sign mean?

Falling rocks
Trucks use second gear
Steep hill