1 . You are approaching an intersection at the posted speed limit when the signal turns yellow. You should:

Slow down and proceed through the intersection without caution.
Speed up to cross the intersection before the light turns red.
Stop before entering the intersection, if you can do so safely.

2 . When entering the interstate on a short entrance ramp where there is no acceleration lane, you should:

Immediately enter the far-right traffic lane on the interstate and speed up to match the flow of traffic.
Use the shoulder of the main road to get up to the speed of traffic.
Speed up and enter the interstate only after you have identified a gap in traffic.

3 . If you approach a stopped school bus that has its lights flashing and signal arm extended, you should:

Proceed at 15 mph if no children are present.
Proceed at normal speed, but watch for children.

4 . When used on roadways, bicycles are considered:


5 . A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means:

The same thing as a yield sign.
The light is about to turn green.
The same thing as a stop sign.

6 . If you parallel park facing downward on a hill:

Turn your wheels sharply toward the side of the road.
Turn your wheels away from the side of the road.
Keep your wheels straight.

7 . When approaching an intersection with a flashing red light, you must:

Come to a complete stop, yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians, then proceed.
Reduce your speed and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop and remain stopped as long as the light is red.

8 . If you are about to be hit from the rear, you should consider each of the following, except for:

Applying your brakes.
Letting go of the steering wheel.
Pressing your head firmly against the head restraint.

9 . When changing lanes, you should never:

Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot.
Change lanes abruptly or spontaneously.
Check for other vehicles moving into the same lane.

10 . This sign tells you that:

No turns are allowed on the road.
The road narrows ahead.
There is a series of curves ahead.

11 . This sign means:

Divided highway.
Railroad warning.
No passing zone.

12 . If your vehicle starts to lose traction because of water on the road, you should:

Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction.
Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding.
Slow down gradually and not apply the brakes.

13 . This sign means:

Watch for bicycles.
Bicycles not allowed.
Bicycle repair shop ahead.

14 . When entering the interstate, check for a gap in traffic in the nearest lane, adjust your speed to match traffic, signal, and:

Expect traffic to allow you to proceed into the lane, since you have the right-of-way.
Merge carefully into the gap.
Wait for the lane to clear before merging.

15 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.

16 . You enter a designated turn lane to make a left turn at an upcoming intersection. There is oncoming traffic. You should:

Move to the left of the center lane.
Signal before you arrive at the intersection.
Turn your front wheels to the left to be prepared to turn.

17 . Which of the following road surfaces freezes first?

A tunnel
An intersection
A bridge

18 . If you want to pass a pedestrian who is walking along the roadway and an oncoming vehicle is approaching, you should:

Slow down and let the oncoming vehicle pass before you pass the pedestrian.
Keep driving at a steady speed. The oncoming vehicle must stop for you.
Honk your horn to get the pedestrian to move over.

19 . A driver should:

Assume all drivers automatically obey the right-of-way rules.
Assume most drivers obey the right-of-way rules.
Always be prepared to yield the right-of-way.

20 . In a vehicle equipped with airbags, the safest place for children age 12 and under to ride is in:

The front seat.
The back seat.
The bed of a pick-up truck.

21 . What is the only effective way to remove alcohol from the body?

Drink strong coffee.
Take a cold shower.
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22 . To improve visibility lowered by rain or fog, drivers should use their:

Low beam headlights.
High beam headlights.
Parking lights.

23 . Which of the following describes the thinking of defensive drivers?

They know other drivers will do the right thing.
They consider what other drivers might do and are prepared to react.
They expect no breaks and give none.

24 . If you have an argument with another person and you are angry, you should:

Loudly play the radio while driving so you won’t think about your argument.
Take a few minutes to cool off before driving.
Drive on the interstate to let off steam.

25 . Regulatory signs are:


26 . This sign means:

Do not enter.
Stop ahead.
Roadwork or maintenance is present.

27 . This sign means:

Trucks entering.
Truck exit only.
Steep downgrade ahead.

28 . You are coming to an intersection with a flashing red light. You should:

Slow down and yield the right-of-way.
Slow down and drive carefully through the intersection.
Come to a complete stop, check the traffic, and go when it is safe to do so.

29 . Where is it safe to pass another vehicle?

Within an intersection where there are no oncoming vehicles
Wherever signs and/or pavement markings permit passing
Within a curve where there are no oncoming vehicles

30 . Which of these statements is true about roadwork zones?

Fines are the same for violations committed in work zones as they are under normal traffic conditions.
You must "Slow for the Cone Zone."
Slow down only if you think workers are present.

31 . Accruing ____ points on your license within a two-year period will result in suspension of your license for one year.

18 to 20
21 to 23
24 or more

32 . If you find yourself in a skid:

Brake lightly.
Stay off the brakes.
Brake abruptly.

33 . At a crosswalk:

You must yield to pedestrians.
Pedestrians must yield to you.
Construction workers must yield to you.

34 . Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?

They are eliminated if you have one outside mirror on each side of the vehicle.
Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.
Blind spots can be checked by looking in your rearview mirrors.

35 . Stopping distances and severity of crashes:

Decrease as vehicle speed increases.
Are not affected by vehicle speed.
Increase as vehicle speed increases.

36 . When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:

At or near the speed of traffic on the freeway.
Five to 10 mph slower than the speed of traffic on the freeway.
The posted speed limit for freeway traffic.

37 . Posters and signs on car windows:

Are a fun way to personalize your vehicle.
Are prohibited by state law if they obstruct a driver's view of the road.
Are allowed only if they do not contain offensive language.

38 . What should you do when approaching a pedestrian who is being led by a guide dog or using a white cane?

Honk so they know to clear the way.
Yield the right-of-way.
Swerve quickly around them.

39 . A large truck is ahead of you and is turning right onto a street with two lanes in each direction. The truck:

May complete its turn in either of the two lanes.
May have to swing wide to complete the right turn.
Must stay in the right lane at all times while turning.

40 . If a tire suddenly blows out while you are driving, you should:

Grip the steering wheel firmly, slow down, and exit the traffic lane.
Pump the brakes rapidly.
Brake hard and steer toward the right edge of the roadway.